West Central Area Plan
The West Central Area Plan was adopted in March 2015. It provides an updated vision, policy guidance, and action items for this area of the city.
Download the Plan
Download the latest version of the West Central Area Plan and appendices:
- West Central Area Plan without Appendices (high resolution, approx. 79 MB)
- West Central Area Plan with Appendices (high resolution, approx. 131MB)
- West Central Area Plan without Appendices (low resolution, approx. 9 MB)
- West Central Area Plan with Appendices (low resolution, approx. 38MB)

Project Overview
The purpose of this planning effort was to revisit and update the 1999 West Central Neighborhoods Plan based on emerging issues and trends. The West Central Area generally encompasses the neighborhoods south and west of the CSU Main Campus (see map). The Plan serves as a guide for:
- Land Use & Neighborhood Character (e.g., zoning, density, historic preservation)
- Transportation & Mobility (e.g., connections to the MAX bus rapid transit system, bicycle and pedestrian enhancements, intersection safety)
- Open Space Networks (e.g., parks and open space, wildlife habitat, drainage and floodplain management)
Prospect Corridor Design
The project also includes new conceptual designs for Prospect Road and Lake Street from Shields Street to College Avenue. Estimated costs and potential phasing of improvements are recommended.
Past Events
Plan Documents
West Central Area Plan without Appendices (high resolution, approx. 79 MB) West Central Area Plan with Appendices (high resolution, approx. 131MB) West Central Area Plan without Appendices (low resolution, approx. 9 MB) West Central Area Plan with Appendices (low resolution, approx. 38MB)Project Information
1999 West Central Neighborhoods Plan Fact Sheet Demographic Quick Facts- Draft Plan Open House (February 12, 2015) Boards | Questionnaire | Summary
- Prospect Corridor Online Survey (November – December 2014) Summary | Full Results
- October 2014 Online Survey (October 2014) – Summary
- Prospect Corridor Workshop #2 (Residents & Property Owners (October 27, 2014) – Presentation | Prospect Rd. Draft Design | Lake St. Draft Design | Public Input Summary | Design & Construction Process Handout | Questionnaire
- Prospect Corridor Workshop #1 (September 22, 2014) – Presentation | Boards | Handouts | Questionnaire
- Open House (September 18, 2014) – Boards | Questionnaire
- Drake Road Farmers’ Market Outreach (May 31 and June 7, 2014)
- Visioning Workshops & Online Survey (May – June 2014) – Boards | Presentation | Summary
- Online WikiMap (April - May 2014) – WikiMap Results | Summary
- Walking Tours (April 2014) – Summary
- Air Quality Advisory Board Public Forum (Apr. 30, 2014) – Boards
- Listening Sessions (March 2014) – Summary
- Planning & Transportation Projects Open House (Feb. 20, 2014) – Boards
- Stakeholder Committee
Process And Schedule
The West Central Area Plan was adopted by City Council on March 17, 2015. Extensive neighborhood outreach, events, and other engagement activities occurred throughout the development of the plan.
Ted Shepard | Chief Planner | 970-221-6343 | tshepard@fcgov.com
Amy Lewin | Senior Transportation Planner | 970-416-2040 | alewin@fcgov.com
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