Mobile Home Redevelopment Services

This plan developed City policies and clarified the City’s role when a mobile home park redevelops.
city services for the preservaton and Relocation of low-income homes
In 2012, the City of Fort Collins began an effort to clarify the City’s role, responsibilities, and obligations in avoiding the loss of affordable housing and when redevelopment causes the displacement of low-income people from their homes (with an emphasis on mobile home parks). For a variety of reasons, several mobile home parks recently closed in Fort Collins. These closures displaced park residents and caused them to relocate. In all of the displacement cases, City staff provided support and collaborated with other agencies to relocate or find other housing for park residents. While there were some similarities in these park closures, the City’s involvement varied, and was handled on a case-by-case basis. This planning effort will clarify City policies and strategies for handling displacement and relocation efforts in the future. The plan will also address strategies to preserve existing mobile home parks, an important component of our affordable housing inventory.
What WAS the purpose of this plan?
The purpose of this strategic plan was to develop City policies and requirements in preserving affordable housing and redevelopment projects by clarifying the Citys role, responsibilities, and obligations in avoiding the loss of affordable housing and when redevelopment causes the displacement of low-income people from their homes (with an emphasis on mobile home parks). The plan addresses the long-term preservation of existing affordable housing as well as potential redevelopment opportunities located inside the city limits and within the City’s Growth Management Area (GMA), within the restrictions of the City Charter.
Why now?
For a variety of reasons, several mobile home parks recently closed in Fort Collins. These closures displaced park residents and caused them to relocate. In all of the displacement cases, City staff provided support and collaborated with other agencies, such as the Fort Collins Housing Authority, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Neighbor-to Neighbor, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to relocate or find other housing for park residents. While there were some similarities in the previous park closures, the City’s involvement varied, and was handled on a case-by-case basis. This plan clarifies City policies and strategies for handling displacement and relocation efforts in the future. This plan addresses strategies to preserve existing mobile home parks. City Council placed the development of an “affordable housing relocation strategic plan” on their 2012 work plan.
What policies DOES the PLAN PROVIDE?
Preservation techniques to preserve and stabilize existing mobile home parks to minimize redevelopment pressures leading to displacement of park residents and relocation assistance policies and/or assistance requirements to address the needs of park residents displaced because of redevelopment activities.
Sue Beck-Ferkiss, Social Sustainability Specialist