Residential Environmental Program Series#

Fort Collins Utilities offers low-cost adult education programs encouraging environmental stewardship.
We are proud to be partnering with the Gardens on Spring Creek to bring you a variety of low-cost water conservation, landscape and xeriscape classes in 2016. Visit to register.
Program Brochure (PDF 905KB).
Past Year's Programs#
- 2015 Residential Environmental Program Series
- 2014 Residential Environmental Program Series
- 2013 Residential Environmental Program Series
- 2012 Residential Environmental Program Series
- 2011 Residential Environmental Program Series
- 2010 Residential Environmental Program Series (PDF 2.3MB)
- 2009 Residential Environmental Program Series (PDF 8.4MB)
- 2008 Residential Environmental Program Series (PDF 2.9MB)
For more information, contact Utilities.
Did You Know?
Insulating and air sealing the walls and roof keeps heat and/or cool air inside your home.
To keep high-efficiency toilets and sinks performing well, remember to only flush the three Ps and throw FOG in the trash.
Customers experience some of the best reliability in the country with the average household being without power for less than 20 minutes per year – that means service is available 99.99% of the time!