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Neon Safari

CM Canino
Art in Action Tent, south of Old Town Square on Mountain Avenue

Kenya is a place of great meaning for my family and it was a gift to reacquaint myself with its land and people during a family trip this year. Seeing and hearing diverse wildlife in their homeland was electrifying and I wanted to bring a small touch of these impressive sights and sounds to our town. I derived an abstract interpretation of the famous beadwork and textiles of Kenyan artisans to craft the angular expressive elements that line the edges and borders of the piano to create a different experience from each perspective. Combined with a bright vibrating color palette and geometric elements, the animals sing the songs of the piano player.

CM Canino is a visual artist and painter with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Arizona State University and a Fort Collins local. CM explores themes of pop culture, music, and entertainment through vibrant colors and expressive marks in his work. CM’s body of work spans private commissions, fine arts gallery shows, live painting at events. He is constantly expanding his horizon of artistic expression and believes art and the artist should be accessible to everyone. After completing his first mural in Fort Collins in 2020, CM is focused on creating more public art for the community.
