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Northern Goshawk - Forest Hunter

Larry Tucci
636 Linden St. - across from Traffic Operations

My design features the Northern Goshawk, a large, forest-dwelling raptor which can be found in northern

Colorado all year round. The scenes in this design range from a large, fierce portrait of the adult goshawk to the soft beauty of an aspen glade, where this raptor hunts for large birds such as crows and ruffed grouse. The top surface in my design features a nesting goshawk with small chick and two unhatched eggs. It is my hope that the intimate viewpoints in my paintings will help form a sympathetic bond between viewers and the subjects. With all the distractions of modern life, I worry that people are not as easily connected to nature as in days past, and if there is no connection it becomes much easier to become apathetic - to me an unthinkable mindset.

