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Summer Nights

Zany Art

Zany's design is inspired a summer night in Fort Collins. A unique city landmark is our drive-in theatre and beautiful mountain backdrop. Some of their favorite memories in Fort Collins were meeting people as they all waited at dusk for the movie at the drive in to start. Kids would laugh and play, parents focused on getting comfortable in the trunks of their cars, and teenagers bought too many sweet snacks at concessions stand. The dusty 70’s theme of the piano design highlights the timeless ambiance of the town drive-in.

They have used yellows, oranges, reds, and blues to give the illusion of those beautiful sunsets that outlined the Rockies (pictured on the back of the piano). Columbine flowers decorate the fronts and side of the piano, contrasting so that they appear to pop off the piano. Columbine flowers always grew around the dusty drive-in lot and caught your eye with their bright purple against the dark browns and greens. This design is a small ode to the memories they made in Fort Collins with their family and friends over the years.

Zany is an Alaskan born, Colorado raised artist. They have been working in multimedia professionally for 5 years across the Front Range and operating an international fashion and design company called Zany Art. They believe that color and visuals are able to communicate and enhance storytelling.
