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Sunset Serenade

Kristen Vohs
111 Chestnut St. - In Old Firehouse Alley

For this Van Gogh inspired mural, I wanted to capture the bright colors from a sunset I saw while camping just outside of Fort Collins. I loved the way the sky and the water seemed to dance together as the sunset. Each side of the cabinet represents a different faze of the evening sky. The front of the box is the start of the sunset. The sunset starts to fade as you move around to the right side and back of the cabinet. The side of the cabinet that faces the new parking garage is the moon's reflection onto the water. In the foreground I used black and white to depict the rough terrain and grasses. It was important to me that the top of the box was as interesting as the sides because it can be seen as you look down from the upper levels of the parking garage. So, I decided to carry up some of the colorful clouds onto the top and add stars into the swirling blue sky. 

