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The Journey Within

Kara Johnson
Art in Action Tent, south of Old Town Square on Mountain Avenue

Kara's goal in creating this piece is for it to have a bright, energetic quality, through the use of vibrant and contrasting colors, while at the same time inspiring a sense of peace and tranquility, through symmetry and repetition. The act of making visual art, and mandalas in particular, is a contemplative practice for her, as it is for many. The same can be said for creating and listening to music, which is why this design lends itself so well to the Pianos About Town project. Creating mandalas helps Kara stay present and centered and her hope is that this design will direct viewers inward and inspire personal reflection and contemplation as well. 

After years guiding others through life's crossroads as a career counselor, Kara has returned to her roots as an artist and multi-passionate creative. With a wealth of experience in understanding human journeys, she infuses her creations with empathy and insight. Her work is a reflection of the stories she's heard and the lives she's touched. Armed with a wealth of experiences and renewed creative vigor, she explores themes of mindfulness, self-discovery, and personal transformation. Kara invites viewers to embark on a visual journey of introspection and inspiration through her art.
