Art in Public Places – Celebrating 30 Years in 2025#
In Progress: Sunset Over Horsetooth#
In 2006, artist Amelia Caruso painted a series of six transformer cabinets in Tenney Court as the Transformer Cabinet Mural Program’s inaugural cabinet murals.
One of the cabinets at this Tenney Ct. Alley site was recently removed and replaced with a larger, blank cabinet. Amelia Caruso is currently painting Sunset Over Horsetooth on this new cabinet to replace the original mural at this site.
Art Coming to the Oak Street Stormwater Improvements Project#
As part of the Oak Street Stormwater Improvements Project, we are working with Saint Petersburg, FL, artist Mark Aeling to incorporate art into the project. Check back for updates about his designs.
Nationally recognized sculptor Mark Aeling received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Sculpture from Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Shortly after earning his MFA, he opened MGA Sculpture Studio (now located in Saint Petersburg, Florida). The studio has focused on representational and abstract figurative work as well as architectural ornament and restoration. Mark has a fascination with process and materials. He engages with clients around the country and thrives on the creative problem solving of sculpture utilizing the challenges to constantly expand the parameters of his work.
My Fort Collins Brings Art to Transfort#
The intent of this project is to share artists’ unique Fort Collins story with the community.
Keep an eye out for artwork Transfort bus shelters and on buses.
New Storm Drain Mural Project#
Jessica Crouch's design is shown here. Her mural is located on the west side of Ziegler Road, across from Twin Silo Park.
A partnership with the Stormwater Utility to paint temporary murals on storm drains located throughout the City. The intent of this project is to educate the public regarding the land/water connection to help maintain water quality in local streams and protect our local watershed.
Pianos About Town#
Pianos About Town is a collaborative effort between the Fort Collins Art in Public Places Program and community partners Bohemian Foundation and the Downtown Development Authority. This exciting project brings together visual art and music for the public to enjoy. For updates and to share your photos and videos of the pianos in action, please visit us on Facebook.
Help us care for the pianos! If you enjoy playing the pianos, help us protect them by closing the keyboard cover after each use and using the attached tarp to cover the piano in times of bad weather and overnight—Thank you!
Transformer Cabinet Murals#
The Transformer Cabinet Mural Project was started in 2004 as a collaboration between the City of Fort Collins Art in Public Places Program and Utilities Light and Power. Serving as a graffiti abatement program, the murals help lower maintenance costs while adding bright colorful art in unexpected places. The program also helps keep the investment local by utilizing local artists and non-profit groups to paint the cabinets.