Building Community Choices
Citizens and City Government investing in things that matter to YOU!
Thanks to the voter-approved tax initiative, Building Community Choices (BCC), the City of Fort Collins has spent the last fourteen years improving infrastructure, building parks and trails and making Fort Collins one of the Best Places to Live in America!
Building Community Choices was a package of three dedicated quarter cent tax collected from 1997-2005.
Total BCC funds: $122.1M
Community Horticulture Center at the Gardens on Spring Creek

$2.3M Features include Children's Garden, Community Gardens, Rock Garden, Wetlands Garden and a Plant Selection Demonstration Garden.
Northside Aztlan Center

$10M Replacement of the previous Northside Aztlan Center with the new Northside Aztlan Recreation Center; included relocation of the facility to address site issues.
Mason Transportation Corridor

$5M A five-mile north-south pedestrian and bicycle lane along the Mason Corridor, just west of College Avenue.
City/Poudre School District Community Projects

$586K Joint City/PSD project to build ball fields adjacent to school facilities.
Natural Areas Acquisition

$60M Preserving and conserving our natural spaces for community buffers, historic significance, habitats for local species and providing multiple recreational opportunities for citizens and visitors. Properties purchased includes Cathy Fromme Prairie, Coyote Ridge, Kingfisher Point and most of Soapstone Prairie Natural Area.
Prospect Road

$6.6M Street, sidewalk, and bike lane improvements, from the Poudre River to Summit View Dr.
EPIC Second Ice Sheet

Arena $3 million Provided public money to match private fundraising efforts to add a second sheet of ice at EPIC
Fossil Creek Community Park

$8.5M A 99-acre park in southeast Fort Collins. It includes a Tar Pits Play Area, Adventure Island, interactive water feature, multi-purpose fields, urban obstacle skateboard park, tennis and basketball courts, a dog park and roller-hockey rink.
Taft Hill Road Improvements

Drake to Derby $5 million Additional lanes, sidewalks and bike lanes for Taft Hill Rd. that were not funded through typical street oversizing.
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