About Us#

The City of Fort Collins has a long history of supporting active, healthy transportation choices. Planning efforts throughout the 1990s, including the adoption of a Transportation Master Plan and Bicycle Plan, led to the development of a transportation work program focused on balance and sustainability. As a part of the City's commitment to providing innovative, world-class municipal services, the FC Moves Department was created to ensure the concepts of modal shift, active transportation, and sustainability are fully incorporated into the organizational culture. FC Moves accomplishes its mission through three programs: the FC Bikes Program, Safe Routes to School (RTS), and Transportation Planning. This three-pronged approach ensures that long range (planning) needs as well as current (programming) needs are met.
The FC Bikes program encourages bicycling as a viable and healthy means of transportation for Fort Collins' residents, employees and visitors of all ages and abilities. Through advocacy, programming and planning, the FC Bikes program seeks to increase bicycling while creating and maintaining a bicycle-friendly community atmosphere. SRTS seeks to increase the number of students and parents safely walking and bicycling to school. Transportation Planning strives to create a balanced transportation system for all modes.
Fort Collins has been designated, by the League of American Bicyclists, a Bicycle Friendly Community since 2003. In the 2018, the city received a Platinum redesignation, maintaining ranks with only 4 other communities in the U.S.: Boulder, CO, Davis, CA, Portland, OR, and Madison, WI.
In late 2012, the League raised the bar for the Bicycle Friendly America program and created a Diamond level designation in an effort to create communities that can compete on an international level. Moving forward, the FC Bikes program seeks to improve cycling in Fort Collins for people of all ages and abilities through education, encouragement, enforcement, engineering and evaluation efforts in order to earn the Diamond designation!
Contact Info#
Cortney Geary
Manager, Active Modes