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Our mission is to provide excellent legal services that reflect the values and achieve the goals of the City and respects the rights of all people.

City Attorney’s Office Commitment to Equity & Inclusion#

The City Attorney’s Office seeks to model and actively support the City of Fort Collins commitment to equity and inclusion. The City organization acknowledges the role of local government in helping create systems of oppression and racism and is committed to dismantling those same systems in pursuit of racial justice. 

More Info about the City's Commitment to Equity and Inclusion


The City Attorney is the legal advisor to the City Council and City employees in matters relating to their official powers and duties, and is responsible under the City Charter for:

  • representing the City in all legal proceedings;
  • drafting all ordinances and preparing all other legal documents for the City;
  • attending all Council meetings;
  • and performing all services related to the position as required by the City Charter, the ordinances of the City or the Council.

The City Attorney's Office is comprised of:

  • City Attorney, Carrie M. Daggett (appointed in March 2015)
  • One Deputy City Attorney
  • Three Senior Assistant City Attorneys
  • Seven Assistant City Attorneys
  • One Lead Municipal Court Prosecutor
  • Two Municipal Court Prosecutors
  • Three Paralegals
  • One Executive Legal Administrative Assistant
  • Three Legal Assistants

Litigation Documents#

The litigation documents available on this website are all presented in the form received from the State and Federal Courts.