City Council Agendas and Related Items#
Regular Council meetings are scheduled the first and third Tuesdays of each month and start at 6 p.m. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall West, 300 Laporte Avenue. Public participation sign up is available once the agenda has been posted for a meeting.
Council holds work sessions on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, also starting at 6 p.m. Work sessions are held in the CIC Room at City Hall West, 300 Laporte Avenue. Meetings are conducted in a hybrid format, however, there is no public participation permitted in a work session.
Past City Council Agendas#
To access City Council agendas from August 16, 2022 going forward, use the City Meeting Portal link below. You can refine your search by using the filter options along the top of the page.
Prior to August 16, 2022, City Council agendas are available on our public records archive.
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services, programs, and activities and will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. This includes language access to all individuals who have a limited ability to speak, read, write, or understand English by providing interpreters free of charge and translation of vital documents for persons who utilize the City's services. Please call 221- 6515 (V/TDD: Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for assistance.
Persons wishing to display presentation materials using the City's display equipment under the Public Participation portion of a meeting or during discussion of any individual agenda item must provide any such materials to the City Clerk in a form or format readily usable on the City's display technology no later than two (2) hours prior to the beginning of the meeting at which the materials are to be presented.
NOTE: All presentation materials for appeals, addition of permitted use applications, or protests related to election matters must be provided to the City Clerk no later than noon on the day of the meeting at which the item will be considered.
Council Correspondence:#
The links above will take you to an unsorted list of documents. To sort by date, with the most recent packet items at the top of the list, click on the Packet Date column heading twice (the little arrow to the right of Packet Date should be pointing down).