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Human Services and Housing Funding Board

Advises the City Council on matters pertaining to the City's Competitive Process which includes Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and HOME Programs and the City's Affordable Housing Fund.

Current Members and Term Expiration Dates

June 30, 2025

  • Christine Koepnick, Erma Woodfin (Interim Chair), Michaela Ruppert

June 30, 2026

  • Olga Duvall (Vice-Chair), Jan Stallones, Christopher Coy

June 30, 2028

  • Michael Kulisheck, Lori Kempter

Council Liaison(s): Julie Pignataro

Staff Liaison(s): Adam Molzer

Archived Documents

View archived agendas, minutes, and more.

(April 20, 2021 and later)

(Prior to April 20, 2021)


The Human Services and Housing Funding Board advises the City Council on matters pertaining to the City's Competitive Process which includes funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program, and the City's Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) and Human Services Program (HSP). HUD provides federal grant funds to the City to meet affordable housing and community development needs of low and moderate income people. The City receives about $1.5 million from HUD and just under $1 million from the General Fund annually. Program funds are typically used for housing, human services, and community development programs, projects, and activities.

Recommended Qualifications

  • A special interest in the needs of low-income persons, and in big picture social sustainability efforts within the community.
  • An understanding of the dynamics of people in poverty.
  • A non-prejudicial world view, especially in regarding to economic class or legally protected groups of people.
  • An appreciation for the role and work of affordable housing providers and human services agencies.
  • Ability to work in team with others to make reasoned, objective funding recommendations representing the policies and directives of City Council.
  • A special interest in or sensitivity to the needs of persons with disabilities.

Time Commitment

3 hours per month, except March and April, which require approximately 15 - 20 hours each. More hours may be required in September as well. Several meetings may be canceled each year, due to lack of pressing agenda items.


Prior to April 20, 2021, the Human Services and Housing Funding Board was called the Community Development Block Grant Commission. [Ordinance No. 049, 2021]

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