General Employee's Retirement Committee
Manages/administers the Retirement Plan for members and retirees and manage accumulated Retirement Fund money; determine the eligibility/service of members under Plan rules; interpret the Plan's provisions; and authorize payment of retirement benefits and bills for expenses of Plan and Committee.
Upcoming Meeting(s)
Please confirm meeting location and participation options (in-person, hybrid, etc.) by viewing the posted agenda
- Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 11:00 AM
- Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 11:00 AM
- Thursday, June 12, 2025 at 11:00 AM
- Thursday, July 10, 2025 at 11:00 AM
- Thursday, August 14, 2025 at 11:00 AM
- Thursday, September 11, 2025 at 11:00 AM
- Thursday, October 9, 2025 at 11:00 AM
Meeting Agendas
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Current Members and Term Expiration Dates
March 31, 2026
- Clark Mapes, Standing Member: Randy Bailey (Accounting Director)
March 31, 2027
- John Unger, Ralph Zentz
Council Liaison(s): Kelly Ohlson
Staff Liaison(s): LeeAnna Vargas
Manage/administer the Retirement Plan for members and retirees, manage accumulated Retirement Fund money, determine the eligibility/credited service of members under Plan rules, interpret the Plan's provisions and coordinate with other City boards and commissions regarding energy issues.
Authorizes payment of retirement benefits and bills for expenses of the Plan and Committee.
The committee sets the policies and procedures for these responsibilities and directs staff personnel and actuarial consulting firm to carry out the functions.
The Committee also:
Seeks information and advice to benefit the Plan and members, recommends Plan changes; enhancements of provisions and benefits to City Council for approval. Keeps abreast of legislation that could affect the Plan, and informs Plan's members of their current/projected benefits. Educates Committee's and Plan's members and encourages Plan members to accumulate other sources of retirement income. Provides minutes of each meeting and files documents as required.
Recommended Qualifications
Sound judgment and the ability to understand and evaluate the General Employees Retirement Plan and factors which impact the Plan.
The Committee is composed of a finance staff member and a mix of five (5) active, terminated-vested, or retired members of the plan when one (1) taxpaying elector of the City does not apply.