CDNS – Building community that feels like home for all#
Who We Are#

Administrative Services
Administrative Services provides essential support to ensure smooth functioning of the department and efficient coordination of resources.

Building Services
Building Services ensures compliance with building codes and regulations and fosters quality development.

City Planning
City Planning connects people, places, and services through innovative planning, partnerships, and forums for effective community engagement.

Development Services helps facilitate development review processes through coordination with applicants, City Planning, Zoning, and other community partners.

Historic Preservation Services
Historic Preservation Services brings people together by promoting and protecting the community's historic places and stories.

Neighborhood Services
Neighborhood Services builds capacity for resilience in the community, fosters connection, and addresses neighborhood-specific needs through initiatives and programs.

Zoning balances the community's general character, safety, and welfare by regulating permitted land uses across the city, what you may build and how you may build it, signs, fences, home occupations, parking, landscaping, and general site layout and design.
Boards & Commissions We Support#
Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z)#
P&Z makes recommendations to City Council regarding zoning, annexations, major public and private projects and any long range planning activities (such as City Plan or subarea plans) that require Council approval. The Commission is also the final decision making authority regarding land use proposals including overall development plans, project development plans and any planned unit developments that remain from the City's previous land use regulations. In addition, the Commission coordinates with the Poudre and Thompson school districts and the Larimer County Planning Commission.
P&Z typically meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at City Hall (300 Laporte Ave.). Members of the public can participate in person or virtually on Zoom.
If you would like to submit a written public comment for the Commission's consideration, please do so more than 24 hours prior to the meeting by emailing If your comment is about a specific discussion item, please make that clear in the subject line of your email.
Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)#
The HPC performs all duties relating to preservation of historic landmarks as set out in Chapter 14, including the designation of sites, structures, objects or districts as landmarks and the review and approval or rejection of plans for the construction, alteration, demolition or relocation of any such site, structure, object or district. The Commission also promotes awareness and understanding of, and appreciation for, the value of historic resource preservation in contributing to the quality of life in the city.
The HPC typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall (300 Laporte Ave.). Members of the public can participate in person or virtually on Zoom.
If you would like to submit a written public comment for the Commission's consideration, please do so more than 48 hours prior to the meeting by emailing If your comment is about a specific discussion item, please make that clear in the subject line of your email.
Land Use Review Commission (LURC)#
LURC approves variances from the requirements of the Land Use Code and hears and decides appeals from any decision made by an administrative official pertaining to a specific property.
LURC typically meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall (300 Laporte Ave.).
If you would like to submit a written public comment for the Commission's consideration, please do so more than 24 hours prior to the meeting by emailing If your comment is about a specific discussion item, please make that clear in the subject line of your email.
Building Review Commission (BRC)#
BRC is charged with the responsibility to hear appeals and requests for variances related to the Fort Collins building codes and contractor licensing regulations. The BRC hearing provides a formal recourse to building permit and contractor license applicants who disagree with an interpretation or ruling by the Fort Collins Building Official. The BRC is authorized to rule in favor of the applicant and to approve alternative building methods and materials that are not specifically prescribed in the building codes. This Commission may also revoke or suspend a contractor license when it determines that a licensee has violated the building codes or licensing rules. In an advisory capacity, the BRC makes recommendations to City Council concerning the revision of existing codes or the adoption of new building codes and contractor regulations.
LURC typically meets on the last Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at City Hall (300 Laporte Ave.).
If you would like to submit a written public comment for the Commission's consideration, please do so more than 24 hours prior to the meeting by emailing If your comment is about a specific discussion item, please make that clear in the subject line of your email.
Department Directory#