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A vac truck in a parking lot

Domestic Sewage Treatment Systems include the following: 

  1. A new wastewater treatment plant;
  2. A new lift station; or
  3. An interceptor main or collector sewer used for the purposes of transporting wastewater; 
  4. And major extensions of such systems.

Click Here for the Land Use Code Definitions

1041 Requirements for Sewage Treatment Systems#

  • Any maintenance, repair, adjustment; 
  • Existing pipeline, or the relocation or enlargement of an existing pipeline within the same easement (provided it is < 30-feet in width and < 1,452-linear feet in length);
  • A new pipeline or facility within an existing public right-of-way; 
  • A new pipeline or facility within easements < 30-feet in width and for a distance < 1,452-linear feet; 
  • A new pipeline or facility constructed partially within an existing public right-of-way and partially within adjoining easements that are < 30-feet in width and < 1,452-linear feet in length;
  • Any sewage system facility that does not increase the rated capacity from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.