Participating in Development Review#
We will keep you informed:
- When someone wants official feedback on an idea about building something new on land they own or would like to buy.
- When someone submits an application to us with a plan for building something new on land they own or would like to buy.
- When a project plan has been approved.
We may keep you informed, depending on the stage of the idea or project:
- Via our email newsletter, This Week in Development Review,
- On our website,
- By posting yellow "Proposed Development" signs,
- By mailing letters to property owners within 800 feet of a project.
We will keep you informed and listen to your concerns:
- On projects that are required to hold neighborhood meetings,
- At hearings to approve some new land uses.
We may keep you informed and listen to your concerns, depending on the stage of the idea or project:
- Via our email newsletter, This Week in Development Review,
- On our website,
- By posting yellow "Proposed Development" signs,
- By mailing letters to property owners within 800 feet of a project,
- By hosting a Neighborhood Meeting for some projects,
- By receiving your letters, emails, and phone calls and sharing them with decision makers,
- By hosting public hearings for decisions about some projects. You may attend these meetings and speak to decision makers.
Our promises to the public#
In the above text, we are making promises to you regarding public involvement opportunities and methods. These promises are based on the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2)'s Spectrum of Public Participation.
Looking for more ways to get involved?#
Find more public involvement opportunities related to Planning and Development.