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Development Review Phases#

Click on the tabs below to learn more about each phase of Development Review and Building Review. Use the arrows to scroll to more tabs

Conversations with City Staff#

A person on the phone holding a set of development plans with a lightbulb above their head

Conceptual Design Reviews (CDRs)#

When someone has an idea to build something new or to use a piece of land in a new way, they can sign up for a free consultation with City staff in a Conceptual Design Review meeting. At the meeting, City staff from several departments will offer advice, including what rules the project would need to follow. 

After the meeting, City staff will share what City rules the project would need to follow. They will also include instructions on how to submit a development review application so they can start gathering everything they need to build their project. The City does not approve or deny development at this point.

The City holds around 90-110 Conceptual Design Review meetings a year. Somewhere around half of the project ideas we hear will not move forward. Those that do move forward will be equipped with a better understanding of the City’s codes, policies and community vision.

Upcoming CDRs

Preliminary Design Reviews (PDRs)#

For more complex or larger proposals requiring a greater level of collaboration and problem solving, the person or group with the project idea can request and pay for more detailed advice from City staff before submitting their development review application. This is called a Preliminary Design Review.

Residents can find information about the ideas up for review on our website, but the meetings are not open to the public. 

Upcoming PDRs

Conversations with the Public#

An illustration of a person presenting to a group of members of the public

Neighborhood Meetings#

After their Conceptual Design Review or Preliminary Design Review, the City may require the person with the project idea to hold a meeting with interested Fort Collins residents. If a neighborhood meeting is needed, they must hold the meeting at least 10 days before they are allowed to submit a development review application.

Larger impact projects, annexations, rezonings and additions of permitted use all require at least one neighborhood meeting. The Fort Collins Planning Department collaborates with the Neighborhood Services Department to host these meetings for the public to attend. 

What is the purpose of a neighborhood meeting?

The City of Fort Collins knows that development can have a meaningful impact on neighbors who live, work and play nearby.  Because of this, when someone wants to build something new in the city, we often require a neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to give the public an opportunity to: 

  • Learn about the project 
  • Ask questions about the project 
  • Share their feedback on the project 

Upcoming Neighborhood Meetings

Two people in conversation holding development plans and the Land Use Code

Reviewing the Application#

Once the pre-application conversations are done, someone with an idea for a new building or land use can officially submit an application to get approval from the City to turn their ideas into a new development. They will need to create more detailed plans, including  technical documents regarding the engineering, architecture and environment on the land. They are now considered a Development Review applicant.

City staff, led by the Planning Department, review the plans carefully to make sure they meet our rules. Many different departments also review the plans to make sure they adhere to their own standards. A full list of departments involved in Development Review is here.

City staff returns the plans with a list of changes that need to be made in order to follow the City's rules. The Applicant fixes their plans and sends them back to the City. This happens again and again until the plan meets all the rules, including: 

- The Land Use Code,
- The Municipal Code This link opens in a new browser tab
- The Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards This link opens in a new browser tab
Neighborhood, subarea, and corridor plans
- We also enforce some county, state and federal laws. 

Basic Development Review (BDR) Type 1 Administrative Review Type 2 Commission Review


Other Types of Review

Basic Development Review (BDR) is a process to review development proposals which require quick review times and/or have small impacts on the surrounding area. They are approved by the Community Development and Neighborhood Services Department Director or their designee

For projects which are slightly larger, more complex and may have more impact on the surrounding area, the City routs them through a Type 1 review, which includes more requirements for the submitted materials. Type 1 projects are decided on by a Hearing Officer For large, complex and potentially more impactful projects, the City routs them through the most intensive review. These projects must be decided by a group of volunteer residents appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
  • Addition of Permitted Use (APU) - Requests to allow a new land use where it is currently not allowed in the Land Use Code
  • Annexation - Bringing new land into the City from Larimer County
  • Minor Amendment - A minor change to an existing development plan
  • Modification of Standards - Change standards in the Land Use Code
  • Rezone - Change the zoning of a property
  • 1041 Review - 
  • Site Plan Advisory Review (SPAR) - Advising on projects outside City jurisdiction (For example, state, county or federal land)
View current BDRs View current Type 1 Proposals View current Type 2 Proposals  
A person presenting to a group of people on a dais

The Approval Decision#

Once the application has been reviewed by all the necessary departments and other groups, City Planning will send it to a decision maker who will be the last eyes on it before either approving it or denying it. Decision makers can also approve the proposal with conditions or modifications and ask the applicant to make changes after the approval. The decision maker has to answer one main question in order to approve a project: Does this project meet all the requirements of the Fort Collins Land Use Code. 

There are different decision makers depending on the type of project. 

Fort Collins Land Use Code

Basic Development Review Type 1 Proposals Type 2 proposals Requests outside the current Land Use Code
The Director of Community Development and Neighborhood Services or their designee A third-party hearing officer The Planning and Zoning Commission City Council

Our Promise to Residents

  • We will keep you informed
    • Letters will be mailed to property owners within 800 feet (or about 1-2 city blocks) when a BDR is in development review
    • Letters will be mailed to abutting property owners and commenters when a BDR decision is made
    • Decisions are posted on our webpage
  • We will consult you. Submit comments
    • By email to devreviewcomments@fcgov,com
    • By mail to the Neighborhood Development Liaison at 281 N. College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524
    • By dropping it off for the Neighborhood Development Liaison at 281 N. College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524

Our Promise to Residents

  • We will keep you informed
    • Letters will be mailed to property owners within 800 feet (or about 1-2 city blocks) when a hearing is scheduled
    • Letters will be mailed to commenters when a decision is made
    • Hearing information and decisions are posted on our webpage and in the This Week in Development Review email newsletter
  • We will consult you. Submit comments
    • By email to devreviewcomments@fcgov,com
    • By mail to the Neighborhood Development Liaison at 281 N. College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524
    • By dropping it off for the Neighborhood Development Liaison at 281 N. College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524
    • On Zoom by speaking at the Type 1 hearing during the public comment portion of the agenda

Our Promise to Residents

  • We will keep you informed
    • Letters will be mailed to property owners within 800 feet (or about 1-2 city blocks) when a hearing is scheduled
    • Letters will be mailed to abutting property owners (sharing a property line) and public hearing attendees when a decision is made
    • Hearing information and decisions are posted on our webpage and in the This Week in Development Review email newsletter
  • We will consult you. Submit comments
    • By email to devreviewcomments@fcgov,com
    • By mail to the Neighborhood Development Liaison at 281 N. College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524
    • By dropping it off for the Neighborhood Development Liaison at 281 N. College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524
    • On Zoom by speaking at the Type 2 hearing during the public comment portion of the agenda
    • In-person by coming to City Hall during the hearing and speaking during the public comment portion of the agenda

Our Promise to Residents

  • We will keep you informed
    • Letters will be mailed to property owners within 800 feet (or about 1-2 city blocks) when a hearing is scheduled
    • Letters will be mailed to abutting property owners (sharing a property line) and public hearing attendees when a decision is made
    • Hearing information is posted on the City Council webpage and in the This Week in Development Review email newsletter
  • We will consult you. Submit comments
    • By email to
    • By mail to the City Clerk at City Hall West, 300 LaPorte Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80521
    • By dropping it off for the City Clerk at City Hall West, 300 LaPorte Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80521
    • On Zoom by speaking at the Council hearing during the public comment portion of the agenda
    • In-person by coming to City Hall during the hearing and speaking during the public comment portion of the agenda
View BDR decisions View Type 1 decisions View Type 2 decisions View City Council hearings

Making a Public Comment#

A woman speaking to a man in front of a presentation on parking in Fort Collins

Thinking of submitting a public comment on a development proposal? We would love to hear from you! Take a moment to review the webpage below where you can learn all about what public comments are and how to make a good one. If you still have questions, City staff is here to help at

Making a Public Comment

Two people in conversation holding development plans and the Engineering Code

Final Development Plan Review (FDP)#

If a new land use has been approved, the project plans will need to meet more rules for very technical details, such as engineering standards. 

City staff will check the plans and return edits to the applicant. This will happen again and again until the plan meets all the rules.

A person filing a development plan in a filing cabinet

Final Recording#

The end of the Development Review process is marked by recording the approved project with the City and County. The applicants will be held to what is recorded as they work to build their idea. 

Construction equipment, light poles and a road in front of mountains and sky

Green Phase: Public Infrastructure#

Development projects often add to the public infrastructure in Fort Collins by adding new roads, installing new utilities, creating places for stormwater to drain, and more. These are usually built first.

Two people in conversation holding development plans and the Building Code

Blue Phase: Building Permits#

The City's Building Services Department takes over the process once Development Review is complete. The applicant will need to submit even more detailed plans for their idea and a plan reviewer will check that it follows the federal, state and city building codes. 

Once it does, the City can issue a permit for the work. Only once a permit is issued can construction begin.

Learn more about Permitting

A person in front of a building giving an

Purple Phase: Inspections#

At this point, the applicant can begin constructing their idea. The City's job is to make sure they are following the plans which have been approved in Development Review and Building Review. To do this, building inspectors visit the construction site regularly. 

Once construction is complete, the inspectors need to sign off on the new development before it can be used for its intended purpose.

Learn more about Inspections

Development Review Applicant Information#

Icon indicating a permit for something to do with a building

Do you have an idea for a new land use? Get started by applying for a pre-application review meeting. Learn more about what you can expect as a development review applicant on our applicant webpage

Start your application here