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Neighborhood News | Spring 2024 || Neighborhood News Newsletter Archive - City of Fort Collins
Neighborhood News
Ready for Spring?

Spring is here, and while the weather is still cold, blooming flowers and blue skies are on the horizon! We’ve got a packed newsletter for you full of exciting details about upcoming events and helpful tips to prepare for spring. In this newsletter, you’ll find the following articles:  

  • NNO – Celebrate Your Neighborhood! 
  • Meet Neighborhood Services' Rental Housing Team
  • Round 2 of Mini-Grants
  • Now Available - Rental Property & Mobile Home Grants 
  • Block Party Trailer - What's New in 2024 
  • Those Dogs Will Bark! Taking a Relationship-based Approach 
  • Dandelions, Tall Grass & Weeds--Oh, My! 
  • FREE Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off May 18th 
  • Planning Academy Returns in June 
  • Free Plants? Check Out the Xeriscape Incentive Program 
  • Eviction Legal Fund Highlights

NNO - Celebrate Your Neighborhood!

Since 2001, Neighborhood Night Out (NNO) has been an opportunity for neighbors across Fort Collins to get outside and connect with their community by hosting "parties with a purpose”, combining fun-filled social events with educational or community service activities.  

This year, we invite you to plan a NNO event that celebrates your neighborhood's unique character! To help you plan a personalized NNO event, we’ve created some "Neighborhood Types” that describe some of the special things your neighborhood might be or want to be more like. You can select your “type” based on the descriptions below! You can then find corresponding activity ideas for each “type” on our website along with event planning tips. Collaborate with neighbors to organize themed events aligned with your neighborhood type.

You will be asked to identify your neighborhood type and activity on your NNO registration form. Participating neighborhoods are eligible for higher NNO mini-grant awards, assistance from City staff with your event, and priority in visits from City Councilmembers, Poudre Fire Authority, and Police Services.

Neighborhood Types: 

  1. Sustain-a-ville: My neighborhood embraces sustainability, conservation, and environmental stewardship. 
  2. Kids at Play: We’re a child-centric community that values all-ages, family activities. 
  3. Foodies: My neighbors and I bond over cookouts, shared meals, and getting to know each other through food. 
  4. Funky Town: My neighborhood celebrates arts and culture, whether through outdoor concerts or paint parties. 
  5. Diverse & Divine: We want to embrace justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) work and celebrate our existing diversity. 
  6. We Like to Move It, Move It: Active and outdoorsy, my neighborhood is always on the go, biking, walking, or working out. 
  7. Sweet Tooth: Let my neighborhood eat cake! We love all things sweet like dessert potlucks or ice cream socials. 
  8. Very Wise & A Little Wild: With an active senior population, my neighborhood knows how to have fun.  
  9. Whisker Watchers: We’re pet-friendly and wild about wildlife. 

NNO will take place on Saturday, August 10th, 2024. Limited grant funding is available for NNO events; apply between April 15 - July 1, 2024. For inquiries or to join the NNO email list, reach out to us at

Meet Neighborhood Services' Rental Housing Team

Did you know that about half of all households in Fort Collins are renters? Renters and housing providers are an important part of the City’s vision that “everyone has healthy, stable housing they can afford” and now there’s a team dedicated to supporting rental housing in our community!   

In addition to providing complaint-based rental inspections (a program that has been around for 20+ years), our team will be rolling out new educational programs to help both housing providers and renters understand their rights, responsibilities, and resources, new registration requirements for most housing providers, and new grant funding opportunities to help improve our rental housing stock.    

Read below to meet the new team, and visit for more information. 

In order of the images above:

  • Misti Gonzales is our Senior Coordinator for Rental Housing. She will be managing the rental registration system, and assisting housing providers and renters with accessing resources.   
  • Estrella Nolasco is our Education and Outreach Specialist. Estrella and will be developing new programs and educational opportunities for both housing providers and tenants.   
  • Austin Dyer is our Lead Rental Inspector. He works closely with renters and housing providers to identify safety issues, and ensure rental properties meet our minimum standards.   
  • Alyssa Stephens is the Rental Housing Manager. She will be supporting community policies and programs that support healthy, stable rental housing in our community. 

Round 2 of Mini-Grants

Round 2 of the 2024 Neighborhood Mini-Grant season is about to begin, with applications opening on April 15th! The application will be open through May 26th, and award decisions will be announced in early June.  

The goal of our Neighborhood Mini-Grants Program is to provide financial assistance to positive neighboring activities and community improvements.  

  • These are competitive grants with awards typically $150-$1000. 
  • Residents within City limits, HOAs, residents associations, and nonprofits can apply. 
  • Past projects have included neighborhood cleanups, fitness classes, community gardens, workshops and more! 

Though writing a grant may seem intimidating, it isn't! We encourage first-time applicants to thoroughly review the information on our website and to ask any outstanding questions by emailing us at You can do it, and we are here to help! 

Click for information on mini-grants

Now Available - Rental Property & Mobile Home Grants

Grant funding for mobile homes and rental property are now available! Apply for up to $7000 in grant funding to repair or improve your mobile home or rental property. Applications are due by April 16th at 5 p.m. 

Eligible projects include: 

  • Furnaces 
  • Air conditioners or evaporative ("swamp") coolers 
  • Skirting 
  • Water heaters 
  • Decks, stairs, and handrails 
  • Insulation 
  • Weather proofing 
  • Electric upgrades 

Please contact with any questions.   

English Application

Solicitud en Español 

Block Party Trailer - What's New in 2024

A neighborhood block party is a wonderful way to connect the residents of your neighborhood and create a sense of community and connection. The block party trailer, a "party in a box", is available for free for your community event and includes street blockades, tables, yard games, an inflatable movie screen and projector, and more! You can request the block party trailer at the Block Party Trailer Request Form

Want to close off a street for your block party? A separate block party permit is required to request closing streets for a block party. Starting in 2024, street closures are only allowed on certain streets. Along with filling out the Block Party Trailer Request Form, complete a Block Party Permit Application for block parties with eligible street closures. 

All available locations to host a block party with street closures can be found using this map, any area outlined in green is an allowed location. Please look at this map to select a location before submitting your application. 

Important Dates:

Trailer requests open on April 1st for “Opportunity Neighborhoods” and May 1st citywide.

Neighborhoods may request the trailer for events taking place on weekends in June through September, though certain blackout dates apply on holiday weekends and during Neighborhood Night Out. Requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, though preference will be given to designated "Opportunity Neighborhoods" and neighborhoods requesting the block party trailer for the first time. 

For more information on all things block party, click here.

Those Dogs Will Bark! Taking a Relationship-based Approach

Conflict Transformation Works, formerly Mediation & Restorative Justice Services, is a program of Neighborhood Services. We can help you start a Mediation with your neighbor about changing animal (and human) behavior. 

This Spring, as windows open and pets begin spending more time outdoors, we’ll begin to feel the impacts of our neighbor’s choices. It’s worthwhile to take a relationship-based approach to talking with neighbors when there’s a problem such as dogs barking. 

When we’re affected by a neighbor’s behavior, the first thing to do is give ourselves time and space to be calm.  From a calm place, we’re more able to do 3 things: 

  • Approach the person with kindness and curiosity 
  • Assume they’ll respond well to what we have to say 
  • Focus on the impact to you rather than what they should/shouldn’t do 

From there, we can use these relationship-based suggestions for telling them about a problem: 

  • Ask if this is a good time to talk: “Do you have a few minutes?” 
  • Introduce yourself: “I’m your neighbor from _____.” 
  • Offer some friendly observations or kind words: “Thanks for holding the door for me the other day.”  
  • Let them know how you’re affected, focusing on the impact to you: “You may not be aware of this, but I’m getting woken up by the dog barking when you let them outside at night.” 
  • Let them know you’re looking for help to figure out what to do from here: “Would you join me in solving this problem?” 
  • Make a communication plan together that is mutually acceptable, such as texting, calling, stopping by. If appropriate, offer the Humane Society website list of tips: NoCo Humane Society tips for barking 

If you need support on approaching the situation, or if the initial conversation does not go well, we offer one-on-one conflict coaching. Please call us at 970-224-6022 or use our website form.

Dandelions, Tall Grass & Weeds--Oh, My!

Dandelions, other weeds, and grasses will soon be seen sprouting throughout the City, along with your favorite spring flowers. During this time of year, the City’s Neighborhood Services Department often receives reports from residents expressing concerns about yard maintenance (or lack thereof) in their neighborhoods. Like many communities, City of Fort Collins Municipal Code contains a weed/grass height restrictions of six (6) inches on developed residential and commercial properties and twelve (12) inches on undeveloped properties. 

Code Compliance Inspectors are out in neighborhoods responding to complaints and proactively writing for code violations, such as seasonal tall weeds and grasses. If your lawn becomes too overgrown, you may receive a letter from the City that asks that you mow within a seven-day period.  If the weeds and grasses have not been cut by then, the City can work with homeowners on a reasonable extension. After that, the City may send a licensed contractor out to mow the property, and the owner will be billed for the work completed. 

Friendly communication with your neighbors regarding issues is highly encouraged and a good starting point for keeping your neighborhood beautiful. Maybe your neighbor is sick at home or is unable to mow their yard themselves. If you’re already out doing your own lawn, you may want to consider asking your neighbor if you could mow their area where there's high growth.  

That said, if you are experiencing ongoing issues around weed management or yard maintenance, or for general information, feel free to contact your neighborhood’s Code Compliance Inspector at (970) 224-6046, or click here for more information. 

The City of Fort Collins actively promotes and supports the growth of pollinator habitat across the community. Residents are advised to contact Neighborhood Services/Code Compliance if they choose to participate in No Mow May.  

FREE Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off May 18th

Household hazardous waste (HHW) is any substance containing ingredients that could negatively affect your safety, health (or that of a pet/animal) or the environment when disposed of incorrectly. You might be surprised at the items that are considered HHW, such as personal care products like shampoo and vitamins/supplements.  

Disposing of HHW can be tricky, and these free events help take out the guesswork. For information on what items are and are not accepted, click here and on the FAQs for further details and other disposal options if you can't make this event. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

City of Fort Collins Streets Facility 
625 Ninth St. 
Fort Collins 

Planning Academy Returns in June

Planning Academy, hosted by Neighborhood Services and City Planning, will return this June for community members interested in learning more about the way Fort Collins plans for healthy and sustainable development. During four class sessions, hosted on Monday evenings in June, students will learn about different topics related to city planning, from how staff and elected officials work to design the long-range vision for the city, to the development review process which is required before the construction of any buildings can start. The Academy will also offer time to learn about some related city work, including affordable housing, historic preservation and environmental planning. At the end of the term, students will have the opportunity to hold their own mock Planning and Zoning Commission hearing to dive into the City’s rules for building and using land in Fort Collins and how they apply in real life. 

This course is designed to introduce you to planning and no prior knowledge is needed to join. The purpose of the Academy is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to make an impact on how Fort Collins and your neighborhood changes into the future. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Class sessions will be held Mondays in June from 6-8 p.m. Register before May 1 here.  

June 3 – Session 1: Long Range Planning 

June 10 – Session 2: Development Review 

June 17 – Session 3: City department open house 

June 24 – Session 4: Mock Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing 

Free Plants? Check Out the Xeriscape Incentive Program

Spring is here, and the Xeriscape Incentive Program is offering free classes and events to help you learn how you can design and install a sustainable landscape. 

Class series will be starting in April, and in May, the program will offer free xeriscape garden tours to learn from residents who've DIYed their landscapes. In June, join us for the Xeriscape Garden Party and Native Plant Swap where you can bring home free plants! Volunteers and community members grow around 3000 plants for this event. You don't have to bring plants to take plants home. Everyone is welcome to participate, and we encourage gardeners who have extra plants to dig and donate.   

Learn more here about upcoming classes and events.  

If you are a Fort Collins Utilities customer, you may be eligible for up to a $1000 rebate to replace turf with waterwise landscaping. Questions? Email: 

Eviction Legal Fund Highlights

The Eviction Legal Fund is a grant fund for legal service providers that improves housing stability by offering free representation, education, and mediation for housing-related cases. Neighborhood Services is currently administering this important legal fund for our community. Since its inception in 2019, the Eviction Legal Fund has continued to grow and change lives of Fort Collins residents. 

In 2023, the Eviction Legal Fund achieved several milestones: 

  • The program reached 1,563 people.
  • Eviction proceedings with court involvement were resolved without an eviction in 94% of the cases. 
  • The program kept an average of 3 families per week housed through legal representation and helped landlords and tenants reach mutual agreements to end their disputes rather than going to court. 

To access this program, please contact: 

Neighborhood Services
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524