Urban Forest Strategic Plan#

Trees are a critical part of the Fort Collins infrastructure. Our trees...
- Support community health
- Improve air quality
- Provide natural habitat
- Create a sense of place in this vibrant community
The Forestry Division is in the process of creating the City's first-ever Urban Forest Strategic Plan. More information can be found online at ourcity.fcgov.com/rooted-in-community.

Private Property Tree Care
Property owners are responsible for their trees and can contact a private licensed tree service for tree pruning or removal.

City Property Tree Care
To report public tree concerns, contact the Forestry Division office at 970.221.6660 or fill out a pruning/removal request form below.

Invasive Insect Alert: Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a highly destructive, non-native insect that infests and kills all North American true ash species.

Hammocking & Slacklining
Learn about tree protection guidelines to have fun and stay safe when hammocking! Watch this video for a quick overview.

Free Mulch Available
Need mulch? Two self load sites are available through the summer:
- Timberline Recycling Center
- 1903 S Timberline Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80525
- The Gardens on Spring Creek
- 2145 Centre Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80526

Locate Trees on TreeKeeper
All city-owned trees and species are tracked in TreeKeeper. This is a useful tool when identifying whether the trees near you fall under the city management plan or should be handled privately.

Become an Urban Forest Ambassador
The Forestry Division maintains over 56,000 trees and needs help updating the public tree inventory. Urban Forest Ambassadors will perform a variety of inventory and outreach tasks. Learn more about the program through a short video.