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Photography at The Gardens

couple posing in garden

Gardens on Spring Creek Photography Guidelines

The Gardens on Spring Creek is a unique and beautiful location for photography. Our Photo Policy is designed to ensure all guests – those who are taking photos and those who are not – have a positive experience during their visit. All professional photographers and their parties must have permission to have a photo shoot on the grounds and follow the guidelines below when onsite taking photographs.

We encourage visitors to take casual photographs or videos via phones or digital cameras for their personal use. However, these personal photographs may not be used for commercial purposes.

Photos taken in The Gardens for anything other than personal use or to have special access to The Gardens outside of normal business hours require purchasing a photography permit. Complimentary permits are included with all rental packages.

  • Photo Permit Request Forms should be completed at least two weeks in advance to navigate scheduling conflicts – photography permits may be denied due to special events, rentals, etc.

  • Photography permits are generally granted only during normal business hours or with rentals.  Any photographers wishing to have access to The Gardens outside of normal business hours will require special arrangements and additional fee for staffing may apply.

  • Photography subjects will follow the clothing policy expected of all Gardens’ guests (shirts, bottoms, and shoes required). Clients / models must arrive fully prepared, including hair, makeup, and styling. Meeting rooms and storage areas may be reserved at an hourly rate for excess equipment.

  • Photography sessions must not disrupt visitor access, employee access, special events or pedestrian flow.

  • The use of a drone is strictly prohibited.

  • The Gardens on Spring Creek property may not be moved or disturbed. This includes, but is not limited to, standing / walking through flower beds, picking / cutting plant material or moving benches / displays.

  • Climbing on trees, walls, fences, statues or any other structures is prohibited, and planting beds and water features must not be entered.

  • The Gardens assumes no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to any equipment or belongings.

All participants must be present and enter The Gardens as a group through the Visitor Center.

  • Participants should check in at the front desk with Guest Services staff.

  • Once payment and paperwork are confirmed you will be issued a photography permit.  Payment may be taken at the time of the shoot.

The Gardens reserves the right to halt any photography sessions deemed to be disruptive and any unauthorized photography sessions will be terminated by Gardens staff. These guidelines must be followed in addition to the general rules of the Gardens on Spring Creek.

The Gardens on Spring Creek reserves the right to adjust these policies at any time, with or without
notice, in the best interest of The Gardens and the general public.

Permit Pricing:

  • Group size of less than 10 (plus photographer and assistant): $100 per hour and includes admission for your group

  • Group size of 11 - 20 (plus photographer and assistant): $150 per hour and includes admission for your group. This permit must be scheduled outside public hours – preferably 9 - 10 a.m.

Photography Permits are non-refundable. Date-specific permits are valid for 30 days from the date received; sessions may be rescheduled during this time with Guest Services staff based on calendar availability. Rescheduling must be agreed upon prior to the new shoot date.

Request a Permit