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Free Downloadable GIS Data#

The City of Fort Collins is committed to providing GIS data and maps, as cost-effectively as possible to the public. The GIS division currently maintains a website that allows free search and view functions for several datasets. In an effort to expand this service, the GIS Division is also providing some of the more frequently requested datasets on a cloud based open data platform. These datasets are provided as is and are subject to our standard liability disclaimer. All datasets will be updated regularly and most of them cover an area of approximately 125 square miles from Douglas Road on the North to one mile south of County Road 32 on the South, and from Horsetooth Reservoir on the West to ½ mile east of County Road 5 on the East.

Cloud Based Open data portal This link opens in a new browser tab

The datasets available for download at this time will be the following:

Addresses This link opens in a new browser tab – Address Point Feature class.

Annexations This link opens in a new browser tab – Annexation Feature class with dates and ordinance numbers.

Bike Dismount Areas This link opens in a new browser tab – Areas within the city where bicyclists must dismount.

Bike Facilities This link opens in a new browser tab – Bicycle facilities with comfort classification and traffic stress.

City Limits This link opens in a new browser tab - A polygon shapefile of land area annexed by the City of Fort Collins.

Hydrology - Line This link opens in a new browser tab – Water features collected as lines off of April 1999 aerial photography.

Hydrology - Polygon This link opens in a new browser tab – Water features collected as polygons off of April 1999 aerial photography.

Liquor Licenses This link opens in a new browser tab – Point location feature class of liquor licenses within Fort Collins.

Natural Areas This link opens in a new browser tab – City and County owned and/or managed Natural Areas for the area around Fort Collins.

Natural Habitat and Features Inventory This link opens in a new browser tab – Habitat inventory taken from the April 1999 aerial photography used for land use planning and development.

Parcels This link opens in a new browser tab – A polygon feature class that includes parcel numbers.

Street Centerlines This link opens in a new browser tab – A single line street feature class with address ranges, street names etc.

Topo This link opens in a new browser tab – Two foot contour feature class of the City area. Collected in 1999 (NGVD 29)

Trails This link opens in a new browser tab – City of Fort Collins trail features. Both paved and soft surface.

Zoning This link opens in a new browser tab – City of Fort Collins Land Use Code zone designation areas.

Other information that is collected and maintained by the GIS Division continues to be available in printed formats. Please check the website, or contact the GIS Division.