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Land Use Code - Effective May 17, 2024#

Since the Land Use Code (LUC) Phase 1 Update was adopted and repealed last year, Council requested a new code be brought forward that both improves function of the code and maintains current density requirements in the RL, UE, NCL, NCM zone districts.  Therefore, these Land Use Code Foundation Improvements provide clarity, reorganization and introduce building form standards. It also includes the rezoning does not change the location, but only renames the NCL, NCM, and NCB zone districts to Old Town (OT) – A, B, and C.  Additionally, these changes do not include density increases in specific residential zone districts and do not change the use of private covenants. The Foundational Update does implement policy direction in City Plan, the Housing Strategic Plan, and the Our Climate Future plan and lays the framework for the next phase of code update.

View each Article of the Land Use Code Foundation Improvements below.

Land Use Code Foundation Improvements#

Adoption Schedule#

Planning & Zoning Commission - Recommendation

The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended to City Council the adoption of the Land Use Code Foundational Improvements.

View the City staff presentation here: City Staff PDF Presentation

City Council - First Reading

Link to Video Recording

Link to Agenda Packet

City Council - Second Reading

The Land Use Code was adopted by City Council on second reading on May 7th and went into effect on May 17th, 2024.

Items Related to the Adoption of a New Land Use Code.

  • Second Reading of Ordinance No. 055, 2024, Repealing and Reenacting Section 29-1 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins to Adopt a Revised Land Use Code by Reference that Advances Adopted City Policy Goals and Incorporates Foundational Improvements and Separately Codify the 1997 Land Use Code as Transitional Land Use Regulations.
  • Second Reading of Ordinance No. 056, 2024, Updating City Code References to Align with the Adoption of the Revised Land Use Code.
  • Second Reading of Ordinance No. 057, 2024, Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Fort Collins to Rename All Neighborhood Conservation Low Density, Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density, and Neighborhood Conservation Buffer Zone Districts to the Old Town Zone District in Conjunction with the Adoption of the Revised Land Use Code.