Resources & Document Library#
The City of Fort Collins believes one of the keys to a healthy community is the ability to house its residents in good quality, affordable housing. The City plays an important role facilitating the supply of affordable housing, including allocating local, state, and federal funding to housing providers, setting policies and regulations, and coordinating with housing developers and initiatives.
To learn more about the City's Land Bank program, affordable housing incentives, income restricted home ownership, and private activity bonds, visit our Social Sustainability webpage at the link below.
Document | Description |
Diagnostic Report: Land Use Code (LUC) Phase 1 (2022) |
This Diagnostic Report evaluates the current Land Use Code (LUC), identifies existing regulatory barriers to housing supply and affordability, and outlines key findings and recommendations for Phase 1 LUC Updates to address those barriers. The analysis and recommendations from the Diagnostic Report will be used alongside information gathered through community engagement to shape the content of draft code changes. |
Housing Strategic Plan (without appendices) (2021) Housing Strategic Plan (with appendices) (2021) Plan Estratégico de Vivienda (2021) |
The Housing Strategic Plan guides housing policy, sets housing goals, and creates a framework for City investments in the housing system. |
Housing Strategic Plan Engagement Report (2021) | In October and November of 2020, nearly 450 community members took the time to share their experiences, provide feedback, and brainstorm solutions to the housing challenges in Fort Collins. This report sums up this early community feedback. |
Home2Health Community Guides Summary Report for Phase 2 and 3 (2020) | This report synthesizes the comments from members of the Fort Collins community who engaged in conversations during Phases 2 and 3 of the Home2Health Community Guide project. |
Partnership for Age Friendly Communities Fall 2020 Engagement Report (2020) | The Housing Priority Group for the Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities conducted four focus groups in the fall of 2020 to address Home2Health Year Two Bottom-Line Questions designed to assess the quality of housing for older adults in Fort Collins. Group discussions were held with older adults who reside in subsidized housing, a mobile home park and members of a senior citizen group (Grand Families). |
Housing Policy 101 (2020) | This is a step-by-step guide created to be an accessible resource for the community in understanding the development of housing policy in the City of Fort Collins Housing Strategic Plan. |
Affordable Housing Infographic Summary (2020) | This is a high-level overview of the state of affordable housing today compared to our 2020 Affordable Housing goals set in the 2015 plan. |
Land Use Code Audit (2020) | This audit process was initiated by the City to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities in the Land Use Code as they relate to City Plan policy direction. This audit reflects the results of discussions with City staff and stakeholders who use the Land Use Code on a regular basis--e.g., local architects, planners, and landscape architects, builders, and housing organizations--as we well as the consultant's review of the current Land Use Code. |
Housing Plan Existing Conditions Assessment (2020) | The purpose of this assessment is to better understand the current state of housing in Fort Collins. Whereas previous iterations of the Housing Strategic Plan focused solely on affordable housing, this iteration will articulate goals, objectives, and strategies for the entire housing spectrum. |
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (2020) | This analysis is a study of barriers to housing choice in our community. This document contains information about fair housing law, a community profile, a review of public policy and land use code, fair housing complaint information, results of a community survey on housing choice, and finally a list of identified impediments with an action plan. |
Social Sustainability Gaps Analysis (2020) | This report is intended to provide a summary of current trends in the Fort Collins community, related to various components of social sustainability, including but not limited to housing, homelessness, poverty, health, wellness, education, diversity, and the needs of special populations. |
Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Feasibility Study and Impact Fee Nexus Study (2020) | This feasibility study examined housing and economic conditions in the City to make a recommendation of whether or not an inclusionary housing ordinance (IHO) or linkage fee program would be viable tools for increasing the City's supply of affordable housing. |
Affordable Housing Strategic Plan (2015) | This plan sets forth goals, strategies, action items, and metrics to guide the City's affordable housing policy and funding for a 5 year period. This plan is the City's fourth 5-year Affordable Housing Strategic Plan. |