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The heart of the City is pulsating with a forward-looking vision—anchored firmly in the concept of "Standardization and Simplification." This isn't just a statement; it is the bedrock upon which the City's IT workforce planning strategy has been built. As we weave this ethos with digital ambitions, setting the stage for an evolving digital organization that resonates with the demands of today and the promises of tomorrow.

Talent Reports

Everything Begins and Ends With Talent

The City believes that everything begins and ends with talent. Over the past several years, as the world grappled with the pandemic, systemic climate change, housing, food insecurity, social unrest, and the widening economic and digital divides, the City observed a significant impact on its workforce. This brought about a surge in employment movements and unrest. Change descended, and its effects were profound. The City chose to act, capitalizing on the moment to forge deeper and more mutually beneficial relationships with its leaders and employees.

To promote a culture of physical and psychological safety requires resilience, wellness, and sustainability throughout the City's organization. This objective underscores human flourishing and belonging as foundational elements for successful talent acquisition and retention. It embodies a comprehensive view of the City's employees, recognizing them as multi-dimensional individuals. The City aims to provide them with resources focusing on physical and psychological safety, diverse benefit offerings, and avenues for continuous learning and growth.

Here are the core beliefs and five central tenets guiding the City's approach to talent:

  1. Organizational Purpose Connection: Every effort is aligned with the City's Mission, Vision, and Values, emphasizing the paramount importance of serving the community through the organization.

  2. Human-Centric Approach: The City recognizes a unique synergy between customer and employee experiences. It believes in the transformative potential of focusing on both the people it serves and leads, deeply understanding their needs, and innovatively addressing them.

  3. Trust in its People: The City holds a steadfast belief that its people inherently wish to excel. When adequately supported by leaders through accountability, coaching, and resources, employees can optimally perform and serve the community.

  4. Creating Conditions for Universal Success: The City acknowledges the limitless potential of its people. Its leaders strive to discern what motivates and connects its workforce, fostering environments of belonging, inclusion, and both physical and psychological safety to ensure equity and tangible outcomes.

  5. Self-Driven Leadership: At the core of the City's leadership philosophy lies connection, which originates from self-awareness. Leaders who continuously evolve and are cognizant of both their intentions and the repercussions of their actions tend to guide others more effectively.

Planning Talent Development

Talent Development: Training#

The City believes in its people. The city places immense trust in its workforce. To spearhead the digital era, it has prioritized a comprehensive talent development initiative. Setting new baseline requirements, the city ensures its IT talent is primed for both today's tasks and tomorrow's ventures. A culture of continuous learning thrives, propelling every professional to stretch their capabilities further. Certifications, such as the DoDD 8140 for specialized roles and the esteemed ITIL for its leadership, are not just markers but a reflection of the city's unwavering commitment to professional excellence.

Build Capability

Leadership Expectation: Build Capability

Competency: Develop Talent

Delegation redistributes the work of the team and the manager to heighten efficiency, manage priorities, and provide training and development for team members. This on-the-job training tool provides many benefits for individual career development if done correctly; however, if done incorrectly, delegation can have enormous negative effects on the individual and the entire team. This session provides critical steps to effective delegation and "watch outs" to avoid along the way.

Focus Strategically

Leadership Expectation: Focus Strategically

Competency: Customer Focus

The service industry is operating from new rules from 20 years ago. Expectations have changed and evolved. The service first philosophy builds on the classic work of Robert K. Greenleaf, who revolutionized the world with his “Servant Leadership” approach. Building on his core concepts, this session helps translate these into a cultural shift in how organizations serve their internal and external customers. This workshop takes the 5 most important expectations from customers today and helps create a new culture in the way we serve in the workplace.


Leadership Expectation: Employee Engagement

Competencies: Value Differences and Develop Talent

With 5 generations entering the workforce, communicating with diverse teams and individuals can be challenging. Although each generation has unique characteristics and ways of viewing the world, there are resources and tools that can unlock the full potential of this complex workforce. The “Bridging the Generation Gap” course helps provide commonalities and unique aspects between the different generations in how they approach their work, career, relationships, communication styles, and personal growth.


Creating a Change Ready Culture#

Acknowledging that change is the only constant, the city has armored itself to welcome it with open arms. The rollout of the federated model, complemented by the introduction of Centers of Excellence (CoEs), signifies the birth of a culture where adaptability meets purpose. Beyond being a structural shift, it's a transformative change in the city's operational DNA. Strategic reorganization of teams has cultivated enhanced communication and collaboration avenues, guaranteeing fluid resource sharing and innovation across all departments. With empowered managers and an environment fostering informed decision-making, the city embodies a truly change-ready culture.

Equipping Teams to Drive the Digital Transformation Roadmap#

A vision is only as good as its executioners. The city's commitment to equipping its team is evident in the meticulous measures adopted to amplify capabilities. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as the city's north star, illuminating achievements and charting progress. The seamless integration of platforms like ITSM Fresh Works not only maps the city's digital journey but also accelerates its pace. In a world where digital threats are omnipresent, the city has amplified its cybersecurity measures, ensuring its path is as protected as it is progressive. Through strategic foresight and collaborations with HR, the city is gearing up for a digital era where every role resonates with the evolving digital demands.