FC Lean Program Overview#
FC Lean is a resource for both the City of Fort Collins staff and its community members. The FC Lean Summary document provides a detailed overview of the FC Lean program and can be found at the link below. Feel free to contact FC Lean at any time at lean@fcgov.com.

FC Lean Featured#
Gemba Academy Podcast Featuring Roland#
In the February 9th, 2023 (episode 462) the Gemba Academy Podcast featured FC Lean's Program Manager and discussed the City's process improvement journey.
Government Finance Officers Association Publication#
In the February 2023 edition of GFOA's publication, the FC Lean Program, the Fort Collins Improvement System, and staff from the Financial Services area were recognized.
Lean in the Public Sector#
Published in February 2020, Dirk Dusharme, from Quality Digest, interviewed FC Lean's program manager to better understand the program's successes and challenges.
Implementing Lean Strategies#
In the Spring of 2020, two students from the University of Arizona reached out to FC Lean to better understand how the City implemented Lean.
2020 Excellence in Sustainable Development Award#
In 2018, City of Fort Collins Utilities Staff participated in FC Lean's Lean Leaders course to improve the Income-Qualified Assistance Program application process. This started a process improvement journey that resulted in the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers recognizing the City of Fort Collins as a 2020 Excellence in Sustainable Development Award winner.