Hemp and Industrial Hemp#

- Industrial Hemp means a plant of the genus Cannabis and any part of the plant, whether growing or not, containing a THC concentration of no more than (0.3%) on a dry weight basis.
- Colorado Department of Agriculture regulates only the cultivation of industrial hemp.
Hemp Cultivation and Extraction: Muni Code:
- Hemp Cultivation: Sec 12-222
- Hemp Extraction: Sec 12-223: Use of inherently hazardous substances, alcohol, including ethanol for hemp extractions prohibited
- It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly use inherently hazardous substances, or alcohol, including ethanol, in the extraction of THC or other cannabinoids from hemp within any dwelling in the City.
- Hemp Ordinances Link
- Zoning: City of Fort Collins
- Poudre Fire Authority: International Fire Code: a chapter on “plant extractions” (Chapter 39)
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment: Industrial Hemp in food; Registration
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Hemp
- USDA Hemp (US Department of Agriculture)