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City asks for public feedback on Which Wheels Go Where

Released on Friday, August 9, 2024

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  • Rachel Ruhlen, Transportation Planner, ,

FORT COLLINS, Colo. – The City of Fort Collins is asking for public feedback about which kinds of micromobility can travel on what City infrastructure in an awareness campaign called Which Wheels Go Where. Fort Collins residents are asked to take a survey to share their thoughts.

The term “micromobility” refers to small-wheeled vehicles like bicycles, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, and other vehicles with a small profile compared to most motor vehicles and that can be human powered or have electric motors. With recent battery and technology advances, micromobility options have expanded rapidly and are continuing to change.

“Today people use human- and electric-powered micromobility vehicles to move around the City, and as a result the City is considering updates to the laws that govern these vehicles in order to effectively regulate and enforce their safe use on City facilities,” City of Fort Collins Transportation Planner Rachel Ruhlen said. “In line with our City's efforts to curb emissions per the Our Climate Future plan, updates to our micromobility policies support City goals within the Active Modes Plan, the Vision Zero Action Plan, the Strategic Trails Plan, and Council Priorities such as 15-Minute City and Reduce Climate and Air Pollution.”

For more information and to take the survey visit:
