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Rossborough Park Cyclo-cross Skills Course#

Cyclo-cross is a seasonal cycling activity that takes place on a narrow grassy area, including features such as wooden barriers and stairs. The cyclo-cross season runs from early August to mid-December.

A cyclo-cross skills training course was piloted at Rossborough Park from September through December of 2019. After a thorough review from city staff and careful evaluation of community feedback, the course will remain a seasonal use in the park with a few course modifications that are intended to reduce impacts to other park users. 

Cyclo-cross Barriers


Cyclo-cross Course Striping


Cyclo-cross Sand Pit

Status Milestone Date Location Description
Complete Neighborhood Meeting Saturday, July 13, 2019, 10-11 a.m. The Commons, Rocky Mountain High School (1300 W. Swallow) Learn about the proposed pilot project and share your thoughts.
Complete Review of Community Feedback July 13-August 2 n/a Review feedback from neighborhood meeting and online comments. Potential revisions to the proposed course layout and/or pilot timeline will be drafted during this time. 
Complete Pilot Project Decision  August 2019 n/a The City will decide whether to pilot this project for a first season, based on feedback received.
Complete Construction of cyclo-cross skills training course September 2019 Rossborough Park The cyclo-cross skills training course is tentatively scheduled to be constructed at this time.
Complete Cyclo-cross skills training course pilot project open September 20 - December 10, 2019 Rossborough Park The cyclo-cross skills training course is slated to be open during this time for the pilot project. Feedback will be requested throughout this timeframe to evaluate project success.
Complete Cyclo-cross skills training course program evaluation January/February 2020 Rossborough Park Input on the pilot program received from staff, course users and neighbors will be evaluated to determine the future of the pilot project at Rossborough Park.
Complete Neighborhood Meeting Thursday, February 20, 6:30 p.m. The Commons, Rocky Mountain High School (1300 W. Swallow) This neighborhood meeting will discuss the results of the pilot project, input received from staff and the community, and the future of the cyclo-cross course.


Modifications to the course   Rossborough Park Minor modifications will be made to the course to improve course integration into the park while minimizing impacts to other park users. The course will operate August 1 through December 15.
Ongoing Course open for the 2020 season August 1 - December 15, 2020 Rossborough Park The cyclo-cross skills training course is open during this time.



No, this is strictly a skills training course. No races, events or paid lessons or classes are permitted.

No. This is a human-powered, pedal-based cycling activity. No events or races are allowed. The number of riders on the course is restricted to 15 people at a time.

Unlikely. We anticipate many users will bike to the park to practice cyclo-cross skills. We expect the average users will spend roughly 30 minutes on the course.

Yes. Appropriate signage will be provided, including course use rules, course closure information, use instructions at each course feature and yield to pedestrian signs (to be located along the course).

The Parks Department will paint a course route on the grass much like is done for soccer fields across town. The layout of the course was designed to avoid / not cross paved sidewalks or established dirt walking paths within the park. In addition, the course layout was designed to minimize interference with other park uses by establishing offsets between the course and features such as the basketball court and playground.

Yes. The Parks Department will have staff inspect the course during regular maintenance visits twice a week.

The course will be monitored for user conflicts and/or resource damage by Parks staff; adjustments to the course may be made as necessary during the pilot.

No. The layout has been carefully considered so that it does not cross paved sidewalks or established dirt pathways within the park.

A thorough evaluation process at the end of the first pilot season will include city staff, course users and neighborhood residents. A neighborhood meeting will allow residents the opportunity to provide feedback on how the cyclo-cross skills training course integrated with other uses, if any course or use modifications might reduce conflicts/concerns, or if the use is not compatible with other established park uses.

Yes. Painted lines for the course layout will help other park users understand where cyclists will be. There will be shady areas under existing trees available for other park users.

The course will have removable features that will be stored at an off-site location from December 11 through the end of winter.

  • 89% reported that they use the park either daily or weekly.
  • 87% reported that the most-used park feature was either the park’s paved sidewalks, footpath or open turf areas when they visit the park.
  • 59% reported that they would not use a cyclo-cross skills training course.
  • 58% reported they had some concerns about the skills training course.
  • 49% reported they did not support a pilot skills training course at Rossborough Park.