Traverse Park#
A new neighborhood park in the Trail Head neighborhood, located on East Vine Street. The park includes typical park features including a shelter, playground, multi-purpose field, basketball court, and play area for teens.
An activity spine is a central organizing element of the park, creating numerous encounters for park visitors including seating areas, building walls and play elements. A loop trail envelops the park, providing visitors opportunity for daily walks. On the loop trail is a “Neighborhood Hammock” created by Art in Public Places artist Joe McGrane, that creates a social gathering space.
The site of this future park was once Hartshorn Tree Farm, where many of the trees that line Mountain Avenue and Old Town were grown. Developed trees, views of Long's Peak and the nearby foothills make it an attractive location for a park.
We appreciate your patience through the summer and fall as construction of the park is now nearing completion. In the coming weeks, fencing will be removed and a notice will be sent out to residents when the park is officially open for use. Even though the park may look finished, it is not. Please continue to stay out of the park and off the equipment until notified of completion. In spring of 2022, trees, shrubs, and grasses will be planted to complete the park and wrap up the project.
On Friday, May 14 a park groundbreaking event took place where plans for the new park were shared and the park name, Traverse Park, was announced. Construction will begin soon and anticipated opening of the park in the fall of 2021.
A neighborhood groundbreaking event is scheduled for Friday, May 14 at 1:30 p.m. A park name will be announced, and illustrations of the park will be available. Park construction will begin this spring, shortly after the groundbreaking, with park completion anticipated in the fall.
A long-term water source and delivery mechanism to Trail Head Park has been identified. The City is currently entering into an agreement with East Larimer County (ELCO) water to supply irrigation water to the park. These agreements are nearly finalized, and construction is anticipated to begin in early Spring 2021.
On March 12, tree pruning and tree removal is planned in the neighborhood. Many existing on-site trees require pruning prior to construction and 2-3 trees need to be removed for public safety concerns. Note: This does not include the tree that houses the bird nest.
A name for the park will be announced at a future park groundbreaking event. Once a construction start date is identified, notifications will be sent out via Nextdoor and through the neighborhood HOA.
With significant neighborhood feedback helping guide the design of the park, generous amenities have been incorporated including a restroom, shelter, playground, play tower, multiuse turf fields, walks/trails, small specialty play feature, potential future community garden and a basketball court. A concrete loop walk will envelop the park and provide access to all park features. Protection of the existing trees on site remains a key component of the park design, in addition to maximizing the views of Long’s Peak and the nearby foothills.
At this time, the park project is fully funded, with construction originally scheduled to begin in Fall 2020. However, due to some ongoing irrigation water supply and delivery challenges, park construction has been delayed. The City is analyzing several alternatives for irrigation water delivery to the park site. Options currently being considered include raw water delivery from the nearby Larimer Weld canal, treated well water, or utilizing East Larimer County (ELCO) water. Prior to the start of construction, a long-term water source and delivery strategy to the park site must be identified.
A name for the park is also being developed and will be announced at a future park groundbreaking event. Once a construction start date is identified, notifications will be sent out via Nextdoor and through the neighborhood HOA.
Project Illustrations#

Project Timeline and Documents#
Follow us on the progress of the park.
Status | Milestone | Date | Location | Description |
Complete |
Neighborhood Meeting #1 | December 17, 2018, 6 p.m. |
Budweiser Brewery Biergarten 2351 Busch Drive, Fort Collins |
Share your thoughts on what you'd like to see at the new park. |
Complete | Neighborhood Meeting #2 | April 22, 2019, 6:30 p.m. |
Budweiser Brewery Biergarten 2351 Busch Drive, Fort Collins |
Join us as we review and discuss concept alternatives prepared for the park. |
Complete | Neighborhood Meeting #3 | September 19, 6:30 p.m. |
Budweiser Brewery Biergarten 2351 Busch Drive, Fort Collins |
Join us as we review the final concept for the park. |
Complete | Construction Documents | Fall 2019/Winter 2020 | Preparing park construction documents. | |
Complete | Construction | Spring 2021 | Park construction anticipated to begin. | |
Upcoming | Grand Opening |
July 14, 2022, 4-6 p.m. |
Traverse Park | Park completion and open for the public. |
The City of Fort Collins has a new parks and recreation master plan that provides a road map for new park development throughout Fort Collins. Neighborhood parks strike a balance between passive and active recreational opportunities and serve the needs of residents within walking distance of their homes. Neighborhood park amenities may include internal walking trails, playgrounds, and picnic or seating areas. For more information review the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
The site of this future park was once Hartshorn Tree Farm, where many of the trees that line Mountain Avenue and Old Town were grown. Developed trees, views of Long's Peak and the nearby foothills make it an attractive location for a future park.
Working in concert with neighborhood residents, an exciting plan for a new park in the Trail Head neighborhood has been developed. Park amenities proposed include: multiuse turf fields, playground, walks/trails, and a restroom. Construction on the park is anticipated to begin in 2021.
View photos from the grand opening celebration of Traverse Park held on July 14, 2022.
View photos related to the project, including photos taken at the most recent neighborhood meetings and groundbreaking event.
Review our presentations and supporting documents from the neighborhood meetings to learn more about the project and park concepts.
In the News#
Northeast Fort Collins is in line to have a new neighborhood park up and running by fall 2020.
Check out this gallery shared by the Coloradoan.