The Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado#
The Vision#
The Veterans Plaza is a unique, public venue that honors and pays tribute to our military veterans; past, present, and future. The plaza features:
- Paved walking paths, native rock, shade trees, and an amphitheater with a performance stage.
- Flags representing America, Colorado, and our country's military prisoners of war, and members killed in action or missing in action.
- A bronze statue of a soldier holding a young boy on his shoulder, showing him the promise of the future.
- A "Victory Garden".
- Stone walls embedded with large LCD monitors: one that scrolls names of veterans and the other allows visitors to search for information on specific veterans.
Nominating a Veteran#
Any veteran, living or deceased, and any active duty serviceman or woman can have their name listed at the Plaza at no charge. The only stipulation is that they must provide proof of honorable service. The Plaza will honor as many veterans and active duty service people as possible, currently, there are over 7,000 names listed. Nomination forms can be found at Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado and the status of submitted nominations can be found there as well.
Long Term Support#
The Veterans Plaza Committee and the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado are thankful for the many donations provided to date by generous individuals and organizations. Funding raising efforts are now focused on growing the Veterans Plaza Reserve Fund of the Community Foundation. Donations will provide a perpetual source of revenue for the long-term upkeep of the Plaza. Visit Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado to find out how to donate.
US Flag Drop Box#

US flags may be deposited into the dropbox in the Veterans Plaza parking lot. Flags will be turned over to a local Eagle Scout troop for future flag retirement ceremonies.