Neighborhood Design Guidelines
Developed concurrently with the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines highlight:
- Neighborhood character areas and descriptions
- Best practices in historic neighborhood design
- Ideas to incorporate sustainability and energy efficiency
- Context-specific examples of new construction and additions
This illustrative and detail-oriented companion resource to the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan offers prototype examples of context-oriented design ideas for a range of neighborhood character areas, lot configurations, and architectural styles.
Design Guidelines Now Available
The Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines are now available! Download a copy below:
- Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines (high resolution - 69mb)
- Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines (low resolution - 18mb)
City Council adopted the Design Guidelines on February 21, 2017, concurrently with the adoption of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan.
For questions about the document, please contact Meaghan Overton, moverton@fcgov.com.
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