Streetscape standards include trees, parkway strips along the edges, sidewalks, and landscaped medians.
Streetscape Standards
The Streetscape Standards (standards) was developed and adopted by Fort Collins City Council as part of Appendix C of the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LUCASS), in 2013. The City Land Use Code, Section 3.2.1 Landscaping and Tree Protection, references LUCASS and provides additional streetscape standards. The purpose of the standards is to ensure the streetscape environment within the public right-of-way is attractive and links the public street corridors together through a coordinated city-wide approach to streetscapes. To implement City Plan, the standards and Land Use Code streetscape standards reflect a high degree of attention to complete streets.

Gateway intersection landscape improvements.
Based on the City of Fort Collins' vision to create a vibrant, world class community, the standards set forth a coordinated approach to the design and management of streets as visually appealing public spaces that contribute to Fort Collins' distinct identity.
The term "streetscape" generally encompasses the visual and pedestrian environment of a street. The standards deal with the treatment of parkway strips (between the curb and sidewalk), medians, intersections, roundabouts, and key gateway intersections. The update primarily involves raising the bar for the quality of streetscape design, development, and maintenance in arterial medians and at key gateway intersections.
Pete Wray, Senior City Planner