There's a Plan for That!#
The City of Fort Collins has many documents that guide how the community will maintain and grow the built environment over the next 10 to 20 years. These plans help us to live into our community values such as livability, sustainability and community.
Find links to these plans below.
Plans Directory#
City Plan - City Plan is Fort Collins’ comprehensive plan that guides how the community will grow and travel in the next 10-20 years.
Subarea & Neighborhood Plans- Localized land use strategies within the city, honing in on specific neighborhoods or districts.
Corridor Plans - Plans addressing land use, transportation and community development of a linear space, aiming to enhance connectivity and sustainability.
Housing Strategic Plan - The 2021 Housing Strategic Plan sets out an ambitious vision that everyone in Fort Collins has healthy, stable housing they can afford.
Our Climate Future Plan - Our Climate Future is a comprehensive plan to simultaneously address climate, energy and waste goals while improving our community’s equity and resilience.
Economic Health Strategic Plan - A plan to be a healthy, equitable and resilient community where people and businesses can thrive.
FC Moves (transportation planning) - Planning to advance mobility solutions to increase walking, bicycling, transit use, shared and environmentally sustainable modes, including the Master Street Plan.
Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS) apply to the design and construction of streets in Fort Collins and Loveland.
Historic Preservation Planning - Plans and policies for the vision regarding preservation of historic resources.
Water Supply & Demand Planning - A foundational framework for water supply and demand management decisions concerning the City’s water supply system.
Water Efficiency Plan- Roadmap for increased water efficiency in Fort Collins.
Stormwater Planning - A plan and vision for how stormwater management can be implemented in each of our 13 basins.
Light & Power Planning - Learn about programming around efficiency, renewables and grid flexibility to reach our goals and transform our community energy systems.
Urban Forest Strategic Plan - A plan to support community health, improve air quality, provide natural habitat and create a sense of place in our vibrant community.
Parks Planning - Master planning and reporting for Parks and Recreation.
Natural Areas Plans & Policies - Master Plans, Zone Management Plans and other policies.
Nature in the City - A plan for creating an open space network accessible to the entire community that provides a variety of experiences and functional habitats for people, plants, and wildlife.