Public Engagement
February 27 Open House Materials
Sept 5, 2013 Open House Materials
- Recreation Poster (2.7MB)
- Whitewater Poster (1.4MB)
- Habitat Poster (3.1MB)
- Fish Passage Poster (779KB)
- Flood Mitigation Poster (2.9MB)
- Reach 1 Existing Condition (1.2MB)
- Reach 1 Concepts (1.3MB)
- Reach 2 Existing Condition (1.3MB)
- Reach 2 Concepts (1.5MB)
- Reach 3 Existing Condition (1.3MB)
- Reach 3 Concepts (1.4MB)
- Reach 4 Existing Condition (1.3MB)
- Reach 4 Concepts (1.3MB)
- Reach 5 Existing Condition (1.4MB)
- Reach 5 Concepts (1.3MB)
- Character Transition Diagram (1.6MB)
- Transportation and Access Poster (1.8MB)
- Whitewater Opportunities and Constraints presentation (3.6MB)
- Whitewater Opportunities and Constraints VIDEO of presentation
- Comments from the Open House (132KB)
Next Steps
This project is a work in progress. Input will be incorporated into the draft Master Plan. Please sign up for email updates (upper right corner of this page)to keep up to date on the project and public input opportunties.