The public records listed below or relevant portions of them are available at no cost to persons who have limited ability to read, write or speak English and wish to utilize services, programs or services offered by the City. The City will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the City's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments. Anyone who requires translation of a document or a portion of a document to another written or spoken language should call 970-416-4254 or send a request to Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication should call 970-416-4254 or V/TDD: (Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) and ask to speak to the City's ADA Coordinator.
A records request may be initiated by submitting a written request in person, via email or by submitting a request via our Public Records Portal.
First hour of staff retrieval time is free of charge. An hourly rate of $33.58 per applies thereafter.
Charges for providing the requested record:
- Copies up to 11X14: $0.25 per copy
- Copies for 11X17: $0.50 per copy
- Copies for oversized sheets will be set by the providing department not to exceed actual cost.
- USB Flash drives $15.00 per drive
- No additional charge for electronic delivery
Site | Description |
Building Permit Inquiries | Check the status of a building permit online. |
Email Transparency | View an online archive of Council emails. |
Municipal Code and Charter | Searchable text of the municipal code and charter. |
Public Records |
Search for public records from a variety of City departments, including Building & Zoning, City Clerk, Engineering, and Purchasing.
Council Meeting Agendas and Voting Results | List of both current and past City Council agendas and voting results |
Land Use Code | Provisions, standards and rules related to zoning and land use. |
Maps | Interactive mapping application with Council districts, crime stats, floodplains, snow routes, and more. |
Open Book | View City expenses, employee salaries, and more... |
Public Notices | List of ordinances being considered by City Council and other items requiring public notice. |
Traffic Code | Searchable text of Fort Collins traffic regulations. |
Traffic Accident Reports | Online traffic accident reports. |