Become A Volunteer Ranger#

Are you looking for a way to give back to the outdoors? Are you committed to land stewardship and public enjoyment of natural areas? Do you enjoy the outdoors and talking with others? Become a Volunteer Ranger Assistant!
Volunteer Ranger Assistants participate in about 20 hours of training. Training topics include the values of natural areas and open lands, basic ecology, managing visitor use, outdoor safety, conflict management, and responding to emergency situations. Natural Areas, in partnership with Larimer County, will reopen applications for the 2025 training on November 29.2024. The application period will be open from November 29, 2024 to January 6, 2025. Contact AJ Chlebnik at for more information or apply below.
About Volunteer Ranger Assistants#

Volunteer Rangers Class of 2020
Volunteer Ranger Assistants promote outdoor safety and awareness, respond to visitor questions and monitor areas for safety. The Volunteer Ranger Assistant program was created to integrate the community in promoting visitor safety and enhancing the enjoyment of the outdoors. Since 2008 the City of Fort Collins and Larimer County have collaborated on the program.
BARK Ranger Volunteers#
BARK Rangers are Volunteer Ranger Assistants (VRAs) and their canines that patrol on approved Natural Areas Department properties. These volunteers and their dogs serve as a visible presence in the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department and serve as ambassadors promoting stewardship ethics and good dog behavior while on city trails. BARK Rangers participate in education and community outreach events.
BARK Ranger Training will commence in August 2025! Applications will open in May 2025. Click on "Find Out More" to apply.
Applicants who are at least 18 yrs old with strong interpersonal skills and a commitment to promoting the responsible enjoyment of City natural areas and County open spaces are encouraged to apply.Once accepted, volunteers will be required to undergo a background check and must complete a volunteer agreement requiring a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service per year. Volunteers can host at a trailhead, special event or monitor trails by wheelchair, hiking, biking, rollerblading or horseback. Volunteer opportunities are year-round.
Questions? Please contact Ranger Peckham,, 970-232-8800