Resilient Recovery Plan#

In collaboration with the community, the City created a Resilient Recovery Plan to guide long-term response and rebuilding from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The pandemic revealed and elevated systemic inequities in Fort Collins, and many parts of the community are still struggling. Work remains around healing, inclusion and resilience to move Fort Collins toward a vibrant future.
This plan seeks to leverage this historic opportunity to make bold, long-term investments to achieve recovery.
What's in the Plan#
The vision for recovery is that Fort Collins residents and businesses can participate in a resilient, vibrant and inclusive future.
After extensive engagement with community members, businesses and local partners, four specific themes for recovery emerged:
- Health
- Equity & Community Resilience
- Economic Recovery
- Environmental Resilience
Within each of these themes, specific outcomes and objectives were identified to guide long-term recovery and build resilience. Many of these outcomes and objectives are extensions of work the City and community have already begun, while others represent new and innovative efforts.
View the Adopted Resilient Recovery Plan (Español)
Recovery Projects and Funding#
In order to implement the Recovery Plan and achieve the vision of a resilient, vibrant and inclusive future for all Fort Collins Residents and businesses, the City is partnering with local non-profits, businesses and community members on a variety of projects.
Projects are funded using federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars. ARPA established $1.9 trillion in COVID-19 relief funding, including $350 billion State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to aid state and local fiscal recovery.
$28.1M of ARPA SLFRF has been allocated to the City of Fort Collins. These funds are one of the most powerful tools the City has to aid recovery efforts.
Plan Development#
The Recovery Plan was developed throughout 2021 and adopted in March of 2022. Extensive public engagement occurred throughout the development process along with multiple work sessions with City Council.
- Phase 1: Engagement
Extensive public engagement occurred with community member (residents, businesses and local organizations) to understand what is needed most for recovery to be achieved. Engagement was designed to meet the needs of different audiences in the community, centering on hearing from hard-hit and historically underserved community members.
- Phase 2: Plan Development
Building off what was heard from community engagement, staff identified four specific recovery themes, Health, Equity & Community Resilience, Economic Recovery and Environmental Resilience. During plan development, specific outcomes and objectives were identified within each theme areas to guide long-term recovery and build resilience. Many of these outcomes and objectives are extensions of work the City and community have already begun, while others represent new and innovative efforts.
- Phase 3: Gut Check
To ensure that the draft Recovery Plan, including the themes, outcomes and objectives accurately reflected community priorities, additional public engagement occurred with residents, businesses and community organizations. City Council also had multiple Work Sessions to review and give feedback on the draft plan before adoption.
- Phase 4: Plan Adoption
On March 1, 2022 the Recovery Plan was presented to Council and unanimously adopted. View the resolution and adopted plan.