Roundhouse Renewable Energy Project#
The Roundhouse Renewable Energy Project has the potential to assist the City with its Climate Action goals by reducing community-wide emissions almost 10% (if fully online in 2021).
The proposed Roundhouse Renewable Energy Project consists of wind turbines that would be built in Wyoming. The Larimer County/Fort Collins component of the project is the proposed above-ground 230-kilovolt transmission line which would carry the wind farm’s output approximately 12 miles through northern Larimer County – and possibly Weld County – and connect to Platte River’s Rawhide Energy Station. Approximately nine miles of the transmission line is proposed to be located on City-owned Meadow Springs Ranch.
City Council will be asked to approve an easement on Meadow Springs Ranch to successfully complete the project. A cooperating letter of support will also be considered in support of Larimer County’s 1041 process.
Missed the Open House?
First learn about the project:
- Roundhouse Renewable Energy posters (Welcome, Project Overview, Renewable Energy Benefits of the Project, Process and Schedule, Who are the Decision Makers?, Wyoming Permit Application Process, Regional Context and Alternatives map, Alternative Comparison, Map of Opportunities and Constraints, Environmental Compliance Map, Land Use Map)
- City of Fort Collins posters (Sustainability, Climate Action Plan, Meadow Springs Ranch, Mountains to Plains Landscape, City Analysis of Transmission Line Routes, Comments to City of Fort Collins)
You may use this comment form to submit written comments on the proposed project, which will be delivered to Fort Collins City Council and area regulators who are responsible for permitting various aspects of the project.

Meadow Springs Ranch
City of Fort Collins' role and process#
A collaborative team from the City, NextEra and Platte River are working together to deliver an outstanding project for all entities involved. Each agency has unique objectives and have identified key action items to ensure overall success, including using Energy by Design methodology during project design and coordinating communications.
Energy by Design considers natural and cultural resources on the landscape.The landscape includes Soapstone Prairie Natural Area and Meadow Springs Ranch. The open spaces north of Soapstone Prairie and Meadow Springs are considered in the State of Wyoming permitting process and City of Fort Collins is monitoring that process as well as the viewshed and other topics associated with a nearby wind energy facility.
Meet Meadow Springs Ranch#
Meadow Springs Ranch is a City of Fort Collins Utility-owned 26,600-acre ranch near the Wyoming border. It is the land application site for regulatory compliant biosolids (a nutrient-rich organic material created from the biological and physical treatment of wastewater). Meadow Springs is a working cattle ranch that emphasizes environmental conservation and stewardship.
Meadow Springs Ranch Natural Values:
- Wildlife habitat
- Rare plants and animals including the federally endangered black-footed ferret and threatened Colorado butterfly plant
- Wide open vistas
- Intact shortgrass prairie supporting the full suite of grassland species native to this region
- Perennial streams with legally protected flows (due to their high biological values), native plains fish and amphibians
- A landscape containing significant archaeological sites