Demonstration Notification#

Any individual or advocacy group desiring to conduct a demonstration or other free speech activity in the City, including on private property where the activity impacts a public right-of-way or adjacent public property use, shall file this Demonstration Notification Request at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the free speech activity. Failure to provide such notice may result in restriction, relocation, or prohibition of the activity. (Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec. 23.5-4 Rev. 2-6-18).
Any individual or advocacy group organizing a demonstration more than twenty-four (24) hours in advance, which is expected to involve more than fifty (50) persons, or where the activity is expected to substantially impede or interfere with vehicular traffic or pedestrian use of any public right-of-way, is encouraged to contact the Special Event Lead as soon as practicable prior to the activity, to determine whether elements of such activity, are subject to a permit or conditions related to public safety.
This Demonstration Notification process is not intended to limit any advocacy groups from exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Its sole purpose is to improve City support for and coordination with advocacy groups.
Rules and Regulations
- No fee is required for the reservation
- Demonstration reservations are issued on a first-come, first-served basis
- No motorized vehicles are allowed on sidewalks, bike paths or turf areas
- No glass allowed in any park
- Destruction, damage or removal of any vegetation or defacement of public property is prohibited
- Events may not impede pedestrian access on sidewalks or traffic on multi-use paths.
- Permits for parades will be issued according to City of Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec. 23.5-3 Rev. 2-6-18
- Events must comply with Noise Regulations (Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec. 20-21)
- Events must comply with local, state and federal laws
Insurance Requirements
The City encourages, but does not require, advocacy groups to obtain general liability insurance with minimum limits of $1 million per occurrence, and to provide a certificate of insurance naming the City of Fort Collins and its officers, employees and authorized volunteers as additionally insured parties.