Permit Deadline Details#

A completed application, with all required attachments, must be submitted to the Special Events Coordinator not less than:
- 24 hours for Demonstration Reservation Requests
- 10 business days before the date of the start of filming
- 20 business days before the date of the event for block parties
- 30 days before the date of the event for Off-Duty Officers
- 45 business days before the date of the event for all other events not serving alcohol
- 60 business days before the date of the event for events involving the sale or service of alcohol, or for events at the Civic Center Park/Washington Park/Legacy Park/Oak Street Plaza event venue.
These deadlines provide us a sufficient amount of time to process your application. Applications are reviewed by the Police Department, Safety, Security & Risk Management, Poudre Fire Authority (PFA), Parks, Traffic Operations, and other applicable departments prior to approval.
A security/damage deposit is mandatory for all events and must be submitted upon application. For more information, please refer to the FAQs page.
Please provide this years information, included but not limited to, event numbers, site map, traffic plans, emergency contingency plan...Failing to do so will delay the review process.
All required attachments for Special Event Permit applications must be submitted no later than 15 business days prior to the date of the event. The City reserves the right to deny the Event if the Applicant fails to comply with these application deadlines.
Applications may not be submitted sooner than one year prior to your event date.
There shall be no advertising of an event until the location on the Special Event Permit application has been reviewed/approved by the applicable departments.
If your event will take place on Larimer County roads or lands, if alcohol is to be served at the event, or if you plan to have a raffle, there are other permits you may have to obtain from the state or county.