What is a Special Event?#

If your event falls into one of the categories below, you will need to submit a Special Event Permit application, so please keep reading. A Special Event is defined by the City of Fort Collins as a:
Block Party: A social gathering of neighbors on a residential street, or portion of it. A Block Party includes, but is not limited to barbecues, picnics, music, or games. A special event permit is required for block parties that include an arterial or connector street closure. For information about block party permit application and block party trailer reservation please visit Neighborhood Services website https://www.fcgov.com/neighborhoodservices/, contact Neighborhood Services at blockparties@fcgov.com or call Neighborhood Services front desk at 970.224.6046.
Community Events: Festivals, arts and crafts shows, outdoor concerts, fun runs or walks, bike or foot races, carnivals, or any other event that interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or takes place on private property and interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or takes place on City owned/leased property including streets, parks, trails, or open space.
Parade: March or procession consisting of persons, animals or vehicles, or combination thereof, on any street or highway, including sidewalks, which obstructs, delays or interferes with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or does not comply with traffic laws or controls.
The following Events do not require a Special Event Permit:
Commercial Film Permit: Any person desiring to conduct a commercial film production on a City of Fort Collins public rights-of-way, a City-owned plaza or park, or other outdoor property owned or leased by the City, that does not require a special event permit, shall file a commercial film permit. Commercial film production shall mean a video and audio recording event conducted by a paid professional crew, with or without actors, sets, or props. Commercial film production shall include crews of three (3) or more persons. Application must be submitted at least 10 Business Days prior to the start of filming, failure to provide such notice may result in restriction, relocation, or prohibition of the activity or penalty. A $50 application fee is required. Events produced by a not-for-profit organization may receive a reduced application processing fee of $25. Producer shall follow all applicable City policies, rules & regulations including but not limited to Parks, Parking Services, Noise Ordinance, Liquor laws.
Demonstration: A rally, picketing, speech, march, vigil, religious service, or similar gathering that involves expression of views or grievances engaged by more than one person and occurs on a street or highway, including sidewalks, or on public property owned or leased by the City.
However, any individual or advocacy group desiring to conduct a demonstration or other free speech activity in the City, including on private property where the activity impacts a public right-of-way or adjacent public property use, shall file a Demonstration Notification Request at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the free speech activity. Failure to provide such notice may result in restriction, relocation, or prohibition of the activity. (Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec. 23.5-4 Rev. 2-6-18)
Funeral or Funeral Procession: A coordinated array of motor vehicles in which the lead vehicle displays a sign, pennant, flag, or other insignia furnished by a funeral home, unless led by a state or local law enforcement vehicle.
Private Event: A wedding, family reunion, birthday party, or similar event that is held on private property or solely contained within a park and does not involve street closures or significant impact to traffic flow on roads surrounding the private property or park. If a Private Event is to be held in a park, organizer must contact the Parks Department at (970) 221-6261 to reserve a park location.
Fort Collins' Old Town Square: Events held entirely within Fort Collins' Old Town Square, should contact the Downtown Development Authority for information and reservations.
Special Event Applications Deadlines
- 60 business days before the date of the event for events involving the sale or service of alcohol, or for events at the Civic Center Park/Washington Park/Legacy Park/Oak Street Plaza event venue
- 45 business days before the date of the event for all other events not serving alcohol
- 20 business days before the date of the event for block parties
- 10 business days before the date of the start of filming
- 24 hours for Demonstration Reservation Requests
Other requirements, for more information about other requirements, see the Special Event Planning Guide.
- Application Fee: A $100 application fee is required for all events, except block parties or First Amendment activities. There is no application fee for Block Parties or Demonstrations. Events produced by a not-for-profit organization may receive a reduced application processing fee of $50.00. The Applicant must provide a copy of the letter which states that the organization is a not-for-profit under the Internal Revenue Code and lists the tax-exempt ID number and/or a copy of the tax-exempt certificate must also be attached. These fees cover administrative costs for review of the application and issuance of the permit.
Deposit (security / damage deposit): A security/damage deposit is mandatory for all events and must be submitted upon application. The deposit may cover event damages, unpaid City services, or invoices. Additional costs for damages beyond the deposit are the applicant's responsibility. Refunds, or a portion thereof, will be processed within 30-90 days post-event, pending no outstanding expenses or damages to City property. Events across City properties and parks/trails may require separate security deposits for each location.
- Other Fees: All events, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, will be responsible for paying any applicable security deposits, as well as any applicable rental fees for city parks, trails, or open spaces. Rental fees for City parks and trails are based on a tiered structure with regards to the size and scope of the event. Fees must be paid by the Applicant prior to issuance of an exclusive use permit. City Parks may retain all or a portion of the security deposit if there is any damage caused or undo costs incurred as the result of the event.
- Poudre Fire Authority is implementing a $250 minimum or the actual cost of standby for Special Event Review and Inspection fee for indoor and / or outdoor events over 1,000 people and / or with 4+ permitted temporary membrane structures.
- Site plan and/or route map: A site plan and/or route map is required for all events. Please upload a copy with your application. Site map submission example.
- Traffic control plan: All events involving road or lane closures, require a Special Event Permit and a Work Area Traffic Control Plan approval. It is your responsibility to provide traffic control devices, obtained from a professional traffic control company, at your expense. Other requirements will be determined by the size, scope and impacts of your event.
- Reimbursement and Indemnification Agreement: Prior to issuance of a permit, the applicant, and sponsor if applicable, must sign a Reimbursement and Indemnification agreement. This Agreement indemnifies the City of Fort Collins from any liability, which may arise as a result of the special event. This Agreement is not required if the applicant is a department or facility of the City of Fort Collins.
NOTE: A special event permit is not a permit to violate City codes, ordinances, rules, or regulations. If a violation occurs, it may result in citation(s) issued to the event applicant/responsible person.