Pick It Up FoCo#

Litter can end up in nature for a multitude of reasons. No matter the reason, this can have negative impacts on wildlife, wild spaces, and people. Help do your part by picking up trash in your community. The best and most impactful place to start is in your neighborhood. Stop litter before it gets to the river!

Join the community to stop single-use plastics in their tracks before they impact wildlife and our waterways. Here is where to start.
Step 1: Decide Where To Go
Step 2: Watch the Safety Video
Step 3: Gather Supplies
Step 1: Decide Who's Helping and Where To Go#
Find a spot to pick up litter using this interactive map. The best and most impactful place to start is in your neighborhood. Stop litter before it gets to the river!
City-owned open spaces like parks and natural areas can help keep our city beautiful, but in some areas, volunteers are not permitted to pick up trash. Please look closely at this map and choose a 'Green area' before heading out.
Tips and tricks: Check out fence lines, alleyways, and ditches. The best times to go out are after trash days and wind events.
If you have any questions, contact Sue Schafer sschafer@fcgov.com
Picking up Natural Areas?#
A natural area is a beautiful place to spend a day and an even better place to keep clean. If you plan to bring a group of 15 people or more to a natural areas, a permit is required. Permits are simple and FREE! The permit simply alerts staff of larger groups so they can help prepare the area.
Step 2: Watch the Safety Video#
Watch the entire video below to learn how to stay safe.
- sturdy garden gloves
- thick-soled, closed-toe shoes
- hat
- sunglasses
- sunscreen
- bug repellant
- reusable water bottle
- a light snack
- trash bag- be sure to dispose of your trash properly
- trash grabber
- hand sanitizer
- a mask if you are unable to maintain 6ft. physical distance from others
- A Note About Safety: Wash your gloves and your hands in hot water and soap after picking up trash. Do not touch exposed skin with your gloves. Use hand sanitizer between picking up trash and logging data on the app. We recommend reusing a plastic grocery bag to collect trash. You may consider buying a grabber tool as well.
Please report to Access Fort Collins.
Other Resources -
Natural Areas Ranger: (970) 416-2147
Park Ranger: (970) 566-1112
Police Non-Emergency line: (970) 419-3273
Step 3: Gather Supplies#

Get your supplies ready. Grab some gardening gloves, close toed shoes and a trash bag. Wash your gloves and hands in hot water and soap after picking up trash. We recommend reusing a plastic grocery bag to collect trash. You may consider buying a grabber tool as well.
In order to make the most impact - when tagging trash you find in the Litterati App, please keep in mind C.O.M.B:
- Category
- Object
- Material
- Brand
For example, #singleuse, #plasticCokecan, #plasticgrocerybag, etc.