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Join Us at the Summit!#

Join us on August 29 at the Lincoln Center for the 2024 Volunteer Engagement Summit! This free, all-day event is open to the public and packed with opportunities. Learn about volunteerism, explore City jobs and volunteer openings, and check out special programs for teens.

Volunteers and those interested in giving back can learn how volunteering can enhance careers, deepen community impact, and promote inclusivity.

If you're curious about volunteering with the City but aren’t sure where to start, the Volunteer Resource Fair is your go-to place to find the perfect fit. City staff will be available to discuss opportunities and help you get involved.

The Volunteer Engagement Summit is our chance to celebrate the volunteers who make Fort Collins such a great place to live. Thank you for all you do!

Meet Keynote Speaker, Kari Knutson#

Opportunities Fair 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.#

Volunteer driver stands in front of bus

Join us in the lobby of the Lincoln Center to learn about opportunities to volunteer across the City. The City’s Talent Acquisition Team will be on hand to share insights into job opportunities as well.

Schedule of Events and Registration Links#

Keynote: Emotional Intelligence with speaker Kari Knutson#

Pictue of Kari Knutson

Kari Knutson of Knutson Speaks

Emotional Intelligence is a powerful tool that can positively impact how you engage and respond to the world around you. Developing your Emotional Intelligence can help you become more resilient, improve your personal and professional relationships, increase your productivity, help you communicate more effectively, and give you better outcomes for mental and physical health.

Register for the Keynote Presentation

Session Schedule at a Glance#

Click on the REGISTER button to sign up for any available session. You will be redirected to our online Volunteer Platform ENGAGE. If you don't have an ENGAGE account, it's free to sign up and only takes a few seconds. 

9:30 AM to 11:00 AM Keynote Presentation: Emotional Intelligence with Kari Knutson Emotional Intelligence is a powerful tool that can positively impact how you engage and respond to the world around you. Developing your Emotional Intelligence can help you become more resilient, improve your personal and professional relationships, increase your productivity, help you communicate more effectively, and give you better outcomes for mental and physical health. Register

11:15 AM to 12:30 PM  Boards and Commissions Overview: The Public Engagement Specialist from the City Clerk's Office will give an overview of the city's boards and commissions program. This includes what volunteering on a board or commission looks like, the value of civic engagement, and what applying to a board or commission entails.  Register

11:15 AM to 12:30 PM  Citywide Volunteer Opportunities:  Join the Volunteer Services Team to learn about exciting new ways to volunteer throughout the City. Sue Schafer will showcase a wide variety of volunteer opportunities and the benefits of giving your time to City departments. Register

11:15 AM to 12:30 PM CPR Testing:  PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE 4 HOURS OF ONLINE TRAINING BEFORE ATTENDING THE TESTING. Once you have signed up, you will be contacted with the link to the online training.Register

12:45 PM to 2:00 PM  DEI Lunch Session:  Who's In and Who's Out?  Thinking of your Go-To 5 with Robert Franklin: Who do you trust?  Which parts of your community help craft your worldview?  In this session, participants will develop and discuss data related to biases that comes from growing up to be ourselves, and the impact that biases can have on communication, work and relationships.  Be sure to bring a pen and paper!  Register

2:15 PM to 3:30 PM Ability Awareness Training: ARO and Ability Awareness- Introduction to Adaptive Recreation Opportunities (ARO) and ability awareness activities. Learn about ARO: who we are, what we do and how you can get involved, followed by interactive ability awareness activities. Register

2:15 PM to 3:30 PM De-Escalation Training: Many of us have been in situations where someone has flown off the handle and has become confrontational. These can be very difficult interactions to navigate. In this session you will learn valuable tools to help you when dealing with a person who has become irate and irrational so that you can work to resolve the underlying problem. Register

2:15 PM to 3:30 PM Conflict Transformation Works with Dana Henderson Conflict Transformation Works is a unique – volunteer founded - program of the City of Fort Collins. Come learn about how volunteer trailblazers founded, and sustained, our community mediation and restorative justice programs. Current volunteer leadership ensures that we can provide residents with access to processes that support constructive conversations and change in the face of challenging situations. Register

2:15 PM to 3:30 PM Forest Therapy Walk: Forest therapy emphasizes mindfulness, encouraging participants to be fully present and aware of their surroundings. Engaging all five senses is a crucial part of forest therapy. Participants are encouraged to notice the rustling of leaves, the scent of pine, the feel of the bark, and the play of light and shadow. Register

3:45 PM to 5:00 PM  Allyship Defined:  More than a Yard Sign, Robert Franklin: Even though we hear and read the word 'ally' in so much of our media and work, it can be tough to be sure what it means to be an ally in our work and in our communities.  Words mean different things to different people, and as such, sometimes we are trying to demonstrate allyship and aren't sure if we're actually delivering on our intent.  In this session, participants will discuss the different interpretations of the word 'ally' and specific actions to demonstrate allyship. Register

3:45 PM to 5:00 PM  Strategic Trails Plan: Give Your Feedback  Are you interested in the future of trails in and around Fort Collins? Join the Parks Planning team to learn what is in the works and how you can give your input. Register

3:45 PM to 5:00 PM Forest Therapy Walk, second session: Forest therapy emphasizes mindfulness, encouraging participants to be fully present and aware of their surroundings. Engaging all five senses is a crucial part of forest therapy. Participants are encouraged to notice the rustling of leaves, the scent of pine, the feel of the bark, and the play of light and shadow. Register

5:30 PM to 7:00 PM  Entertainment Show--Ain't Never Met a Stranger: Stories from the Passenger Seat:  Kari Knutson’s one-woman storytelling and comedy show integrates her real life experiences with a twist of whimsy that will make you laugh out loud one minute and have you wiping tears from your eyes the next. This show is all about our human connection and the ridiculous, wonderful, touching, complex, funny, and beautiful ride of life. Current volunteers register here

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Volunteer Appreciation Event: Allow us to share our appreciation with you! After a full day of fun and learning, the City of Fort Collins will host a Volunteer Appreciation Event for volunteers. We will have heavy appetizers, live music, a presentation, and cash bar. This year we will be honoring several special volunteers from around the City. This event is only open to active City volunteers. Food will be catered by Wildflower Catering. Register yourself and one guest. Volunteers Register Here

If you don't sign up before the Summit, you can still attend any as long as the session is not full. 

Teen volunteers in front of a firet truck

Join other teens to snack on pizza and give us some feedback on the future of City programming. We want to hear from you! We will also have teen-friendly volunteer projects available, so if you are looking to earn some volunteer hours, this is the place for you! You can also explore our Resource Fair and chat with Cith staff to learn about municipal careers.

This event will be held from 4:00 to 5:30 pm! Register Here

Ain't Never Met A Stranger#

Kari Knutson is an inspirational speaker whose One Woman Show is funny and entertaining.

Kari Knutson.

Kari Knutson’s one-woman storytelling and comedy show integrates her real life experiences with a twist of whimsy that will make you laugh out loud one minute and have you wiping tears from your eyes the next. This show is all about our human connection and the ridiculous, wonderful, touching, complex, funny, and beautiful ride of life.

The City will provide TWO free tickets to current volunteers (within the last year). Additonal tickets can be purchased at LCTIX for $15. 

Reserve Your Spots

Thank you to our sponsors!#

The Engagement Summit has been generously sponsored by Woodward, Inc.

Woodward logo

New Belgium Brewery Logo