Voter-Approved Taxes#

Voter-approved sales tax initiatives have existed in Fort Collins since 1973 to fund a multitude of community priority projects, including street maintenance and repair, police services, parks and recreation, and transportation.
Browse below to learn more about specific voter-approved sales tax initiatives.
Voter-Approved Sales Tax Initiatives Over Time#
.5-cent sales tax
- 50% Parks & Recreation Facilities:
- Replacement, upgrades, maintenance and accessibility of parks facilities
- Replacement and construction of indoor and outdoor recreation and pool facilities
- 25% Climate Programs
- Projects advancing greenhouse gas reduction and air pollution reduction
- Programs advancing the City’s 2030 goal of 100% renewable electricity
- Projects advancing City’s 2050 goal of community-wide carbon neutrality
- 25% Transit System
- Infrastructure improvements
- Equipment purchases
- Upgraded and expanded services
- 50% Parks & Recreation Facilities:
This measure continues the .85-cent sales tax passed in 2011 by increasing the on-going tax rate by .60-cent and adding a renewable .25-cent tax through 2030.
Funds will go toward:
- Streets
- Transportation
- Fire
- Parks and Recreation
- Other Community Priorities including affordable housing and West Nile virus education
.25-cent sales tax
Funding for community improvement projects, including the creation of the Poudre River Whitewater Park, bicycle infrastructure improvements and Transfort bus fleet replacement.
.85-cent sales tax
Funding for Core Operations:
- 33% Street Maintenance and repair
- 17% Other Transportation Needs
- 17% Police Services
- 11% Poudre Fire Authority
- 11% Parks Maintenance and Recreation
- 11% Other Community Priorities
.25-cent sales tax
Renewal of Building Community Choice Natural Areas and Parks .25-cent tax for open space acquisition and maintenance.
.25-cent sales tax
- Library Technology
- Fort Collins Museum/Discovery Science Center Joint Facility
- Lincoln Center Renovation/Cultural Facilities Plan
- Park Upgrades and Enhancements
- Fort Collins Senior Center Expansion
- Police Services CAD Replacement
- Harmony Rd: Seneca St to College Ave
- Timberline Rd: Drake Rd to Prospect Rd
- Intersection Improvements and Traffic Signals
- North College Ave Improvements
- Transit Fleet Replacement Buses
- Bicycle Program Plan Implementation
- Pedestrian Plan and ADA Improvements
.25-cent sales tax
Funding for ongoing maintenance of streets, including pavement, curbs, gutters and sidewalks.
Three Separate .25-cent sales taxes
Community Enhancements:
- City/School District Community Projects
- Shields St: Horsetooth Rd to Troutman Pkwy
- Prospect Rd: Poudre River Dr to Summit View Dr
- Taft Hill Rd: Drake Rd to Derby Ct
- Police Building Land
- Northeast Truck Route
- Library Technology
- New Main Library Land
- Performing Arts Center Land
- EPIC Second Ice Sheet
- Northside Aztlan Community Center
Streets and Transportation:
- Pavement Management Program
- Pedestrian Plan
- Mason Trail
- North College Ave Corridor
Natural Areas and Parks:
- Natural Areas Acquisition
- Community Park Improvements
- Community Horticulture Center
- Gardens on Spring Creek
- Fossil Creek Community Park
- Regional Trails
Dedicated funding for the requisition of open space, wildlife habitat and natural areas.
.25-cent sales tax
- Major Street Improvements
- Shields St: Davidson Dr to Casa Grande Blvd, Laurel St to Prospect Rd
- Prospect Rd: Shields St to Taft Hill Rd
- Drake Rd: Canterbury Dr to Taft Hill Rd
- Prospect Rd Intersection Improvements at Lemay Ave, Taft Hill Rd and College Ave
- Eastside Neighborhood Intersections
- Intersection at College Ave and Drake Rd
- Timberline Rd Extension: Prospect Rd to Summit View Dr
- Fire Station #10 Land Acquisition
- Fire South Battalion
- Lincoln Center Restrooms
- Parks and Open Space Projects
- Senior Center
- Eastside Neighborhood Park
- Southwest Community Park Lang Acquisition
- Park Enhancements: Buckingham and Edora
- Indoor Pool Renovations
- Major Street Improvements
.25-cent sales tax
Funded construction of Edora Pool Ice Center (EPIC), which was completed in 1987.
.25-cent sales tax
- Major Street Improvements
- Lemay Ave: Horsetooth Rd to Harmony Rd
- Shields St Improvements
- Intersections at Mulberry St, Prospect Rd and Laporte Ave
- Widening and bike path, Prospect Rd to Laurel St
- Prospect Rd: Shields St to Taft Hill Rd
- Intersection at Timberline Rd and Prospect Rd
- Intersection at Prospect Rd and Taft Hill Rd
- Intersection at Mulberry St and Canyon Ave
- College Avenue Medians: Horsetooth Rd to Creger Dr
- Street Major Maintenance Program
- Bikeways on College Ave, Timberline Rd and Horsetooth Rd
- Sidewalk Pedestrian Access Ramps
- Indoor Pool Renovation
- Poudre Fire Authority Equipment Replacement and Land Acquisition
- Open Space and Trails Acquisition and Construction
- Major Street Improvements
1-cent sales tax
- Comprehensive Land Use Master Plan
- Avery House purchase
- Downtown Redevelopment projects
- Main Library
- Lincoln Center
- Fire Station #4
- Mulberry Pool
- City Hall Building
- Open Space Land Acquisition
- Parks acquisition
- Sewer to Andersonville and Alta Vista
- Storm Drainage Program
- Comprehensive Transportation Study
- Bus System
- Street Improvements