Changes to Mosquito Spray Notifications
Starting in 2024, spray notifications will no longer include phone calls. To ensure you receive notification for any future spraying, please text FCWNV to 888-777 or sign up for email alerts at

West Nile Virus Information
West Nile virus is a disease that is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. The symptoms of West Nile virus range from none to very serious.

Protect Yourself
Help protect yourself from mosquitoes and West Nile virus with the Four D's! Report possible mosquito breeding sites, and learn the best ways to prevent mosquito breeding at home.

Mosquito Spraying
Sign up to receive alerts if the City decides to spray for mosquitoes, and learn more about the spray process.

Local Data
View the weekly vector index and trap reports during the summer testing season, as well as monthly and annual program reports.

Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee is comprised of community experts who provide technical expertise and recommendations to City Council regarding the City's West Nile virus policy.

City's West Nile Virus Management
Review the City's West Nile Virus Management Policy and Response Plan. The City has contracted with Vector Disease Control International to conduct mosquito surveillance and mitigation.