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West Nile Virus Technical Advisory Committee#

West Nile Virus committee meeting and writing on white board

The West Nile Virus Technical Advisory Committee meets to discuss the previous mosquito season and considers recommendations for future response guidelines. The committee is composed of City-appointed experts who provide technical expertise and make recommendations to City Council regarding the City’s West Nile Virus Management Policy.

The West Nile Virus Technical Advisory Committee (WNV TAC) meets to discuss the previous WNV season and considers recommendations for future response guidelines.

The WNV TAC is composed of City-appointed experts who provide technical expertise and make recommendations to City Council regarding the City’s West Nile Virus Management Policy. Current members include:

  • Chester G Moore- Supervisory Research Entomologist, 1974-2002 at CDC.
  • Greg Ebel- Director, CSU Center for Vector-borne Infectious Diseases.
  • Greg McMaster- USDA Ret. Research Agronomist.
  • Roxanne Connelly- Entomology and Ecology Team Lead, Division of Vector-borne Diseases- Arboviral Diseases Branch at CDC.

The Technical Advisory Committee meets during the off-season, with the next meeting scheduled for February 26th, 2025. 

TAC 2-26-2025 Agenda