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Motions, Extensions, Entry of Appearances, Etc.#

All motions, requests to extend conditions/payments, continuances, and Entry of Appearances must be filed with the Court in the proper format (formal motions-emails or text message requests are not acceptable) no later than two (2) business days prior to the scheduled hearing date/time or condition/payment due date. You are still expected to attend the scheduled hearing date and time unless you hear back from the Court prior to the hearing date and time. 


Because of mail and banking industry practices, payments mailed to the Court can take 3 weeks to process through your bank. Do not stop payment on a check mailed to the court unless you contact the Court first. Additional fees and consequences on your case can be ordered by a judge when a check is returned by the bank back to the Court for non-payment.

Payments can be made online at Municipal Court online payments. Please choose correctly between the three payment options- pay a Camera Radar/Red Light citation (violations received through the mail), pay a Municipal Court citation (served to you in-person or posted on your property by an enforcement officer), or pay for a Criminal Justice records requests.  Please have your citation number or Municipal Court case number ready.  Thank you

Public Access to Virtual Hearings#

Fort Collins Municipal Court holds virtual court hearings a few times each week. Not all scheduled hearings are held virtually. If you would like to view one of the scheduled virtual hearings, please contact the Court at and request a zoom link. Thank you.  


The jury trials scheduled in Municipal Court for April 11th, April 18th, April 25th, May 9th, and May 23rd, 2025, will be convened as scheduled.

Please be careful.  If you were summonsed into the Larimer County Court system (also located in Fort Collins) for jury duty, please contact them directly for information on your service.

Court Contact Information#

The Court's telephone hours are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 11:15 a.m., and from 12:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.  You may also email the Court using We appreciate your understanding and patience. 

Information on Court Closures, Weekend, Holiday Arraignment Dates#

If your Court date is a holiday, Saturday, Sunday, or the Court is closed for any reason, you are required to appear on the next business day the Court is open unless notified by the Court. 

Assessed Fines and Fees#

Due to recent changes in Colorado State Law, all assessed fines and fees are due to the court immediately. If you are unable to pay the total amount due, you can complete a payment plan application on all citations other than AVIS/Camera Radar/Red Light citations. You must appear in-person either on your assigned hearing date and time or prior to your hearing to file this type of form/application. Please contact a court clerk by email using if you have any questions or need further information. 

Municipal Court Hours and Entrance#

The Court's hours of operations, including the Camera Radar/Red Light Clerks' office, (excluding holidays) are as follows:


  • Monday through Wednesday – 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM

  • Thursday - 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM

  • Friday - 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM and 12:30 AM to 4:00 PM

  •  The Court is closed for lunch, Monday through Friday, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Customers must check in using the Court's kiosk system before the designated closing time for the day they report. Customers arriving after the designated closing time will be directed to return on another day. The entrance to the Municipal Court Clerks' office is at the north side of the building. All customers appearing for hearings or for walk-in customer service are required to enter the building using the north entrance and proceed through security screening.   

Customers who need to speak with a Court Clerk and are not scheduled for a specific hearing time/date are encouraged to come in during the afternoon hours between 12:30 PM and 4:00 PM Monday through Wednesday and Friday, or between 12:30 PM and 3:00 PM Thursday, when the wait time will be reduced.  We encourage you to email or e-file Motions or Court filings with the Court instead of filing them in person. 

Hearing Schedule, Early Payment Discount, CRRL citations, Zoom Docket options#

Although we strive to be as efficient as possible, Court Hearings can take up to 4 hours or more depending on the number of cases scheduled on the docket and type of hearing. Please plan accordingly.

Email is the preferred mode of communication and for filing any Motions with the Court. Please be sure that your message includes your name, date of birth, telephone number, mailing address, case or citation number, and your current court date. 

If you have received a payable traffic citation (fines/fees information will be listed directly above your scheduled arraignment date) Please note: your citation will not be available to pay online or by telephone using the Court's vendor nCourt until the Court receives your citation. Citations can take up to 10 days from the date of issue to be transferred to the Court. Please email the court if you have any question or are not able to locate your citation online. 

  • Zoom Arraignments - Scheduled traffic arraignment dates are held by Zoom on Mondays-please email the court ( 10 days after receiving your citation and request to appear by Zoom. Please verify your contact information (mailing address and telephone number) in your email.
    • A clerk will email you your Zoom arraignment date/time and instructions along with a link to the session. Please read and follow these instructions carefully. Have your ID ready to show during the check-in process.  You must appear on time for your scheduled date/time. You will be classified as failed to appear if you have not signed into the Zoom link at your scheduled time. 
  • In-Person Arraignments-if you are unable to appear for a TRAFFIC case during a Zoom arraignment, your case may be scheduled on or rescheduled to in-person arraignment date/time (Wednesday afternoon). This option, hearing, and process can take up to 4 hours. Please have your ID ready to show during the check-in process. When you appear, please use the NORTH ENTRANCE to the building (green metal railings) and proceed through security screening.

Information on appearing for your hearing:

  • No backpacks, large bags, metal containers, weapons or items that can be used as weapons are allowed in the building. Please make arrangements to store your items prior to attending Court.

The preferred method of payment of any fines or costs due is by debt or credit card. 

Information on an alternative option for some arraignment hearings:

  • Arraignments held by Zoom may also be an option. Please email the requested information above if you would like to see if this is an option.

TRAFFIC AND PARKING CASES (other than Camera Radar/Red Light):

If you have a traffic infraction with an early settlement/payment discount offer on your citation,  you may accept the offer and pay the citation without court costs by paying online at within 20 days from the date of your violation. You can still pay the citation without appearing in court after the 20 days; however, you will not receive the point discount listed on your citation. Please review the instructions on your citation. Another option is the pay your violation by mail. The Court's mailing address is PO Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522. Payments can be made by calling (970) 658-4112 (wait times can be long as this is a third party national vendor payment line).  You can drop your payment in the drop box located inside the building next to security. Please do so at least two days prior to your hearing. 


The CRRL office is open for the same hours as the Court Clerks' Office (see above information).  Walk-in customers must check-in using the Court's kiosk system before the designated closing time. Customers arriving after that time will need to come back on another day.  For information on viewing a video of the incident, please refer to the citation you received in the mail. A Clerk will be available to respond to your emails and phone calls. Please call (970) 221-6867 during the listed business hours for the Court Clerks' Office. The preferred mode of communication is email. If you wish to file a motion on your case or pay your violation, please go online to  Payments can also be made by calling (970) 658-4112. 


If you are represented by Court-appointed Defense Counsel, contact your attorney regarding the status of your case. 

PROBATION / The Right Track Program/ Restorative Traffic Circle:

If you are on probation and/or participating in the Right Track Program, or the Restorative Traffic Circle program and you have any questions, please call (970) 416-8003 to speak with a Probation Officer (Bernadette, Trevor, or Todd).

If you are on probation and participating in the Municipal Drug Court Program, and you have questions, please call (970) 416-4269 to speak with the Drug Court Probation Officer (Todd).


If you have a motion, filing, court request, proof of completion of a class or community service hours, the Court strongly encourages you to email it to or mail it to the court:

            Fort Collins Municipal Court

            PO Box 580

            Fort Collins, CO 80522

When submitting any document to the Court, please note that we cannot accept any type of photo, including a picture of documents taken with your camera phone.  Also, the document must look like an original and cannot be illegible in any way or contain any type of background, be crooked, shaded, or folded.  All documents submitted to court must be scanned as a .pdf and attached to an email.  If you are unable to do this, then you will be required to appear in person with the original document.


If you have a payment due (early settlement, payment plan, 7 day notice to pay, etc.), payment can  be made:

  • online through nCourt at (preferred method), see message above
  • by mail with check or certified funds, (use the PO box address above)
  • call (970) 658-4112 (Mon-Fri, 6 AM-6 PM and Sat-Sun, 8 AM-12 PM)- this vendor is experiencing longer than usual wait times. Online payments are the fastest method. 

All fines and fees assessed on cases are due immediately. If you need more time to pay, you will need to appear in person and complete a payment plan application. If you have concerns about your ability to pay your fines/costs without it causing hardship to you or your family, please appear in person and complete a petition of indigence form to see if you qualify for a waiver of fees and the option of completing useful public service in lieu of paying any fines assessed. 


If you have an active warrant that you are trying to address, you are required to appear in-person at 8:00AM on a Tuesday morning to be added to the docket. Individuals appearing after 8:30AM will be told to come back on another date. If this is your first failure to appear on the case, please follow the instruction on your Notice of Pending Warrant. You may be able to file a Motion to get your case rescheduled. Please email the court for further instructions and to see if your case qualifies for this option. ( 

Thank you 

General Caseload Information#

The Court's offices are located in the City of Fort Collins' Administration Building on the north west corner of Laporte Ave. and Mason St., directly across the street from the North Transit Center.

If you have received a citation from one of the enforcement groups listed in the statement above and are scheduled for court, please use the NORTH ENTRANCE to the building to go through security screening prior to your hearing. The building opens for business at 8:00AM. Access to the building prior to its opening is not allowed.  

Parking in the downtown area is very limited with some spaces only useable for short periods of time. The City's Civil Center Parking structure is located diagonally from the Administration Building on the south east corner of Laporte Ave. and Mason St. For your information, parking in the structure must be paid for when you park your vehicle, not when your vehicle leaves the structure. Court hearings in general last at least 2 hours and often last up to 4 hours depending on the number of cases scheduled. Please consider this when parking your vehicle.

Camera Radar/Red Light Clerk's Office Information#

The CRRL Clerk's office is located within the Municipal Court Clerks' office in the City of Fort Collins' Administration Building, 215 North Mason St. Please use the north entrance to the building. These citations are issued by Fort Collins Police Services and mailed directly to individuals. Please review the hours of operation and contact information listed on your summons and also listed above. The CRRL Clerk's telephone customer service hours are as follows:

  • Mon-Wed and Fri, 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-4:00 p.m.   
  • Thurs, 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.