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Snow and Ice Technology#

Weather Radar

Although weather may seem unpredictable in Colorado, the Streets Department uses a variety of advanced weather monitoring tools to be prepared 24 hours a day during the winter snow season. Using state-of-the art technologies, snow-fighting equipment is generally on the street within 30 minutes after notification begins.

Weather Forecasting Systems#

The Streets Department subscribes to three forecasting systems to gives us a variety of tools and data on weather-related information.

  • Accuweather: hourly and daily temperatures and conditions, radar maps, long term forecast, warnings
  • Meridian: short term (24 hour-by-hour) snow fall, pavement and air temperatures
  • Day Weather: local forecast, warnings

Weather Site Information#

It is not enough to have forecasting information. To efficiently manage snow and ice removal operations, it is imperative that we have a handle on what is going on in real time throughout the city. There are five weather stations throughout the city that monitor air temperature, pavement temperature, precipitation and wind. These weather stations provide us with the tools to monitor conditions in different sections of the city in real time, allowing us to make informed and timely decisions for snow and ice control. These locations also have cameras mounted to take still frame photos updated every 15 minutes. This allows us to visually monitor traffic volumes and snow conditions.

Weather Site Locations#

Road Weather Monitor
  • Taft Hill at Elizabeth
  • Timberline Bridge over the Poudre River
  • Timberline at Carpenter
  • Mountain Vista at Busch Drive
  • I-25 at Harmony
  • Harmony at Shields
  • Prospect at Timberline

Pavement Sensors#

As weather conditions change, pavement conditions can deteriorate quickly. Pavement sensors are another tool in the snow and ice control toolbox that are located on key main intersections in different areas of the city. These pavement "pucks" are imbedded in the roadway and provide real-time information including pavement temperatures, if the pavement is wet or icy, if deicing materials has been applied, etc.